Online Psychotherapy for treating Anxiety

Online Psychotherapy for treating Anxiety and Panic Disorder via Skype

Online Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks via Skype.

Treat the underlying cause of your anxiety and panic attacks through Mindfulness Therapy rather than just treating symptoms.

To fully recover from an anxiety disorder you need to change the way that you relate to your emotions. The real problem for most people is that they react to their anxiety with aversion and avoidance, both of which are themselves forms of fear that simply reinforce your anxiety.

Significant change happens when you develop a realationship with your anxiety based on conscious acceptance and compassion.

This inner mindful relationship promotes healing and is essential for recovery and helping you develop it is the focus of Mindfulness Therapy.

See an online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety.

Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety

Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online Therapist for Anxiety

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Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety

Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online Treatment Therapy for Anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) through Skype

Please feel free to contact me by email if you would like to schedule Skype therapy sessions with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I really don’t want to continue taking medications to treat my anxiety. I hate the side-effects. I feel that this online counseling has given me the tools I needed to stop my panic attacks. Mindfulness therapy has been very effective treatment for me – and enjoyable too!"

During these sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for promoting recovery from all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, chronic depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other emotional problems, by using the well-tested teachings of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is very effective and you can expect to experience tangible recovery after the first few Skype therapy sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy is very effective for stopping anxiety and depression without using anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. It is always better to treat the underlying cause of your emotional suffering as opposed to just trying to manage symptoms.

Mindfulness Therapy for Driving Anxiety & Phobia

A very popular request is for help overcoming a fear of driving. Driving phobias are quite common and are usually resistant to standard "talk therapy." I have developed an approach called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, where I will work with you via Skype, while in your car. People really respond well to this and most see dramatic improvements after the first few sessions.


How to overcome anxiety without using anti-anxiety medications

Please feel free to email me if you would like to find out more about Skype Therapy with me.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I provide online therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and many other common psychological problems that don't require medical treatment, that don't require medications, but can benefit from learning practical and effective strategies from managing the underlying reactive thinking and emotional reactivity that creates anxiety and depression.

So if you're looking for an online therapist for anxiety I do encourage you to go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service. It's very popular and people really like the idea of online therapy. It's much more comfortable for you. And it's less intimidating, it's less clinical in nature, and much more focused on what we really need to address, which is learning practical ways of working with our emotions.

Now, I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which is particularly valuable for learning how to overcome anxiety and emotional reactivity in general. It allows us to break free from those underlying habits of reactivity that keep us in a state of suffering and prevent us from being who you want to be.

In reality, these are just habits. anxiety and depression are best understood as being psychological habits rather than being psychological illnesses. They are habits that are conditioned. We don't come into the world with anxiety or depression. We learn anxiety and depression and fear and other forms of emotional suffering. We learn them, and that tells us right there that these are best looked at as being habits and habits can be changed once you start breaking free from that process of becoming automatically lost in your emotional reactivity or cognitive reactivity.

This is the problem that we call "reactive identification" and that's really the heart of the problem, where anxiety or depression gets triggered and then we simply become overwhelmed by the anxiety and depression, we become consumed by it. And this simply feeds the habits. It's rather like an addiction. So we just become helpless at resisting the impulse to indulge further in the substance, if it's an addiction, or the emotional reactivity in the case of anxiety and depression.

So we change this habit by bringing mindfulness to it, which is really a form of consciousness. We learn to develop a more conscious relationship with these habits. And this is really, really important for breaking that automatic unconscious force that causes us to become lost in the habit.

So that's the first part of mindfulness therapy, learning to break free from the automatic and blind aspects of our emotional habits. The second part of Mindfulness Therapy is about healing the emotional suffering directly. And this we do by developing a mindful relationship with our emotional pain that is based on friendliness and compassion.

These are two key ingredients of mindfulness: friendliness and compassion. So friendliness refers to this process of, if you like, approaching the emotional suffering rather than running away from it or trying to avoid, or trying to suppress it. It's about opening awareness to embrace that suffering to help it heal. And compassion is that process of helping the anxiety or depression heal. And this is something we develop through training with those emotions. We deliberately bring those emotions into the mind in order to develop friendliness and compassion and we can help those emotions change and heal through that relationship.

So this is part of what I teach online during Skype therapy sessions. If you would like to learn more, please email me. Tell me more about how I can help you specifically, and if you like the idea of seeing an online therapist for help with anxiety, then please contact me and let's schedule a session. Thank you.


How to overcome anxiety disorder without medication

So if you're looking for an online therapist to help you overcome anxiety, I invite you to take a look at my website and learn more about the online Mindfulness Therapy service that I offer over Skype for the treatment of anxiety without using medications and without other procedures like that.

This is a very different kind of approach, one that focuses on teaching you how to work with your emotions more effectively using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy, including mindfulness meditation.

So the way that I teach meditation is that you learn how to meditate on the mind and in this case on your emotions and specifically on your anxiety. You have to develop a very close and conscious relationship with your emotions if you want them to heal. The biggest problem that I see is that people try to run away from their anxiety and fear. Trying to avoid anxiety and trying to escape from anxiety producing situations is not a good strategy.

The avoidance is classified as a form of reactivity, emotional reactivity that is itself based on fear. And so if you react to anxiety with avoidance, you are basically feeding that underlying anxiety with more fear. So avoidance is not a suitable strategy.

Medications also can be viewed as a form of avoidance. They may provide a temporary relief from the unpleasant sensations of anxiety, but that is not an effective treatment for anxiety. The medications are really just reinforcing that underlying anxiety.

So if you want to heal anxiety, you must work on developing a conscious relationship with that anxiety that's not based on avoidance, but is based on being totally consciously present with that emotion and other associated emotions.

This is what I will teach you during our therapy sessions together. I will teach you how to develop a mindful presence with your anxiety. In that process you will be training out of the primary process of reactive identification that also feeds the anxiety.

You learn to be present with your anxiety without becoming identified with it. That means without becoming overwhelmed and consumed by that anxiety. We learn how to develop a conscious presence with our anxiety in which we remain free from that anxiety.

So this is an essential condition if you want to heal anxiety, you have to learn how to be present for your anxiety in the same way as a parent learns to be present with a child that's suffering. You cannot avoid the child's pain, you must be present with it if you want to help that child heal its suffering. Our emotions are very much like a child. They are conditioned, they are very limited in the consciousness and are not very good at resolving their own suffering, just like a child, the child doesn't have the resources to heal its own suffering. That's what the parent is for. So we have to learn to be like a parent to our anxiety and to any other emotions that are causing suffering.

And this is the whole purpose of meditation.

Meditation means learning to be present with your anxiety by focusing your mindful attention on that anxiety and then bringing in the qualities of fearlessness and love, which is the natural condition of your True Self.

You learn to comfort the anxiety, you learn to look at the structure of the anxiety and see how it works, and then you intervene in a way that helps that anxiety heal.

So building this internal relationship between your True Self and the anxiety or the Little Self is a vital process and it's very, very effective for healing anxiety. And I will teach you how to do this in detail.

Most people see quite dramatic changes when they start applying mindfulness and particularly this form of mindfulness meditation on the anxiety itself. Typically, you can expect to see dramatic improvements after the first three or four sessions. This is what we should be aiming for. Psychotherapy should be aimed at helping you heal. Just talking about your emotions is not sufficient, in my opinion, to promote efficient long-term healing. You must look at the underlying mechanism of that imagery and the patterns of reactivity and identification that feeds anxiety.

So if you would like to make real changes and produce long-term changes in your anxiety or other emotions that are affecting you in some way, then do please contact me and we can schedule some Skype therapy sessions. Thank you.


Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder Colorado and I offer online psychotherapy for anxiety via Skype.

So if you're interested in learning more about online therapy for treating anxiety disorders, whether that's generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or if you have a problem with recurrent panic attacks, or if you suffer from driving anxiety disorder or a phobia in general, then please go to my website and learn more about this online psychotherapy service that I offer.

If you're interested in online psychotherapy you should check that the therapist is able to provide sessions via Skype. I believe it's essential that you are able to see each other as well as speak to each other, because this greatly improves the effectiveness of communication. And that's a very important fact when you're working with difficult emotional conditions like anxiety and panic attacks or depression, or even for work with addiction.

Many people like online therapy because it's clearly more convenient. And if you're living abroad or in a rural area you might find it difficult to find a local therapist that you want to work with.

People like the greater privacy also offered by online psychotherapy. It means that you can conduct your sessions from home and in the privacy of your own environment. And that's quite important for a lot of people. Sometimes we feel uncomfortable talking about our emotional problems. If it's an addiction it's often very difficult to talk about that in a more public setting. Being able to talk about your anxiety online is much less intimidating for most people. So that's one of one of the additional benefits of online therapy via Skype.

The style of psychotherapy that I offer online is called mindfulness therapy and this is a particular approach that I developed many years ago now that has proven to be incredibly effective for helping people manage anxiety disorders.

It's a technique that uses mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply a way of focusing conscious attention on emotions and on thoughts and memories and other components of the mind. It's a way of becoming conscious without becoming overwhelmed or consumed or lost in anxiety or depression or any other emotional formation.

We have to build a conscious relationship with our emotions. That is an absolute requirement for them to change, in my opinion. Talking about your anxiety can provide temporary relief but it's seldom as good as actually building an internal relationship with your anxiety in which you spend more time, if you like, listening to it rather than reacting to it or trying to explain it away or trying to understand it. All of these forms of cognitive processing are really taking you away from the emotion itself.

We create a safe space around our anxiety and we begin to explore how that anxiety works. One of the most important things we first focus on is the constellation of reactive thoughts that feeds that anxiety.

So anxiety tends to lead to proliferation of anxiety-based thinking. And this in turn feeds the underlying anxiety and creates this vicious feedback loop that stops the anxiety healing. So the first part of mindfulness is all about learning to see these reactive thoughts and breaking the unconscious habits of becoming lost in those thoughts. So we're not indulging the anxiety. Instead with simply creating a conscious and non-reactive relationship with it.

The second thing that we focus on in great detail during Mindfulness Therapy is looking at the internal imagery of the emotion. And this might be a new concept to you, but if you think about it you will begin to realize that all emotions are based around imagery.

So if you'd like to learn more about online psychotherapy via Skype for your anxiety do please email me and tell me more about how I can help you. And then when you feel ready we can schedule a session.

You will see in the very first session just how powerful this approach can be and most people see changes after the very first session, when you start applying the mindfulness methods that I'll teach you on how to work with your anxiety.

So please contact me if you'd like to get started.


Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

How do you learn to be more at ease when you have bad anxiety?

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional mindfulness based psychotherapist, living in Colorado USA, and I offer online Mindfulness Therapy worldwide for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other common psychological problems that respond well to mindfulness based psychotherapy.

I'm often asked how to overcome anxiety, how to deal with anxiety that's chronic and affecting the quality of my life. These kind of questions are very common indeed. Anxiety is a big problem and affects a huge number of people worldwide. And it's something that responds really well to mindfulness therapy.

So in mindfulness therapy we don't just talk about our anxiety, we don't just talk about our feelings, but rather we focus on looking at how they actually work, looking at how we produce anxiety or depression or any other form of emotional suffering. We look at the internal psychological mechanism, the habits that create anxiety.

We look at the patterns of reactive thinking that feed the anxiety, and particularly we work on changing our relationship to these reactive habitual thoughts so that they don't control us, so that they cease to dictate how we feel.

So thoughts don't cause anxiety, that is a common misconception, but they do feed anxiety if the emotion is already present.

So habitual reactive thinking is like a fuel that feeds the fire of anxiety. So learning to break the habit of reactive thinking is, of course, very important. It's like taking the fuel away from the fire.

And if you take the fuel away from any fire, the fire burns itself out, and that same principle applies very much to anxiety and depression and other kinds of psychological emotional conditions. They require a network of habitual reactive thoughts to feed them. And when we can begin to break free from that nexus of reactive thoughts we begin to starve the emotion of its fuel. And that's a very important part of the healing process and recovery process.

So we spend a lot of time learning how to work with thoughts and we learn how to develop more consciousness around the thoughts. That's the most important thing because most habitual thoughts are conditioned. They simply operate unconsciously on auto pilot. And we have to break free from this unconscious habit.

So we do that by actually bringing more consciousness to our thoughts. We watch our thoughts. We learn to see them in the mind and learn to see how they get triggered and then we change our relationship to them and we break free from the emotional reaction that they habitually trigger. So we train with thoughts. That's the first part of working with our emotions.

The second part is working with the imagery of the emotions. And this is perhaps less familiar to you, but it's important to understand that all emotions are based on internal psychological imagery. How you see that emotion in the mind is what dictates its strengths. And we need to look at this imagery and then, of course, see if we can change it. Changing the emotional imagery is the second part of mindfulness therapy for anxiety.

When you put these two together you have a very powerful combination. And most people see dramatic changes in the intensity and the frequency of their anxiety once they start applying the mindfulness methods that I will teach you. I expect all my clients to see substantial improvements within the first three or four sessions. It does not take a long time to learn how to change the underlying habits that cause your anxiety or depression or OCD, or even for working with recovery from emotional trauma.

The same principles apply. Emotional trauma, PTSD, is characterized by recurrent intrusive thoughts and recurrent intrusive imagery, and we need to change both of these aspects to fully recover from emotional trauma or PTSD.

If you would like to learn more about online therapy using mindfulness for overcoming anxiety, then please go to my website. Send me an email if you would like to schedule a session with me. You will see big changes after the first session, and that will be a good way to evaluate how effective mindfulness therapy can be for overcoming anxiety and other common emotional problems. So if you'd like to get started please email me.


Online Psychotherapy for treating Anxiety

Online Psychotherapy for treating Anxiety