Online Therapy for treating Anxiety and Stress

Online Therapy for treating Anxiety and Stress

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks via Skype.

Treat the underlying cause of your anxiety and panic attacks through Mindfulness Therapy rather than just treating symptoms.

To fully recover from an anxiety disorder you need to change the way that you relate to your emotions. The real problem for most people is that they react to their anxiety with aversion and avoidance, both of which are themselves forms of fear that simply reinforce your anxiety.

Significant change happens when you develop a realationship with your anxiety based on conscious acceptance and compassion.

This inner mindful relationship promotes healing and is essential for recovery and helping you develop it is the focus of Mindfulness Therapy.

See an online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety.

Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online Therapist for Anxiety

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety over Skype

Contact me if you would like to schedule Online Mindfulness Therapy with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I unreservedly recommend engaging Peter’s services in, what has been for me, an extremely effective method of learning about my inner self in ways that I’ve never been able to achieve before."

During these sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you how to use mindfulness for healing all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, depression, and addiction recovery and other emotional problems, by using the very effective techniques of Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy.

This approach is remarkably effective and you will notice tangible recovery after 3-4 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is highly effective for stopping anxiety and depression without using medications. It is always better to treat the underlying cause of your emotional suffering rather than just managing symptoms.

Mindfulness Therapy for Driving Anxiety & Phobia

A very popular request is for help overcoming a fear of driving. Driving phobias are quite common and are usually resistant to standard "talk therapy." I have developed an approach called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, where I will work with you via Skype, while in your car. People really respond well to this and most see dramatic improvements after the first few sessions.


Online Counseling for overcoming Anxiety via Skype

Please feel free to contact me by email if you would like to learn more about Online Therapy with me.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist and I provide online therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and many other common psychological problems that don't require medical treatment, that don't require medications, but can benefit from learning practical and effective strategies from managing the underlying reactive thinking and emotional reactivity that creates anxiety and depression.

So if you're looking for an online therapist for anxiety I do encourage you to go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service. It's very popular and people really like the idea of online therapy. It's much more comfortable for you. And it's less intimidating, it's less clinical in nature, and much more focused on what we really need to address, which is learning practical ways of working with our emotions.

Now, I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which is particularly valuable for learning how to overcome anxiety and emotional reactivity in general. It allows us to break free from those underlying habits of reactivity that keep us in a state of suffering and prevent us from being who you want to be.

In reality, these are just habits. anxiety and depression are best understood as being psychological habits rather than being psychological illnesses. They are habits that are conditioned. We don't come into the world with anxiety or depression. We learn anxiety and depression and fear and other forms of emotional suffering. We learn them, and that tells us right there that these are best looked at as being habits and habits can be changed once you start breaking free from that process of becoming automatically lost in your emotional reactivity or cognitive reactivity.

This is the problem that we call "reactive identification" and that's really the heart of the problem, where anxiety or depression gets triggered and then we simply become overwhelmed by the anxiety and depression, we become consumed by it. And this simply feeds the habits. It's rather like an addiction. So we just become helpless at resisting the impulse to indulge further in the substance, if it's an addiction, or the emotional reactivity in the case of anxiety and depression.

So we change this habit by bringing mindfulness to it, which is really a form of consciousness. We learn to develop a more conscious relationship with these habits. And this is really, really important for breaking that automatic unconscious force that causes us to become lost in the habit.

So that's the first part of mindfulness therapy, learning to break free from the automatic and blind aspects of our emotional habits. The second part of Mindfulness Therapy is about healing the emotional suffering directly. And this we do by developing a mindful relationship with our emotional pain that is based on friendliness and compassion.

These are two key ingredients of mindfulness: friendliness and compassion. So friendliness refers to this process of, if you like, approaching the emotional suffering rather than running away from it or trying to avoid, or trying to suppress it. It's about opening awareness to embrace that suffering to help it heal. And compassion is that process of helping the anxiety or depression heal. And this is something we develop through training with those emotions. We deliberately bring those emotions into the mind in order to develop friendliness and compassion and we can help those emotions change and heal through that relationship.

So this is part of what I teach online during Skype therapy sessions. If you would like to learn more, please email me. Tell me more about how I can help you specifically, and if you like the idea of seeing an online therapist for help with anxiety, then please contact me and let's schedule a session. Thank you.


Anxiety attack treatment without the need for medication

Online Therapist for Anxiety Disorders over Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in online therapy for anxiety. There are now a growing number of psychotherapists who offer online therapy for anxiety and indeed it's a very convenient and very effective way of getting help for anxiety.

If you're interested in learning more about working with online therapists for anxiety please go to my website and watch more videos and read more about the mindfulness therapy approach that I specialize in and that I find works very well online.

If you're going to work with an online therapist for helping you overcome anxiety or depression or any other emotional problem, you really need to make sure that the therapist provides Skype or similar video format so you can see each other as well as talk to each other. It's very important to be able to see each other because there's so much communication that goes on besides just simple verbal communication and seeing each other improves the quality of communication substantially.

So I do recommend that if you want to see an online therapist for help with anxiety that you make sure that they provide Skype to allow you to have your therapy sessions through Skype.

If you want to learn more about mindfulness therapy go to my website and read more about it.

But, basically during these online therapy sessions that I offer over Skype I'll teach you exactly how to apply mindfulness for overcoming the habit of anxiety or fear or any other form of anxiety disorder.

These are habits that we acquire usually starting in childhood, but they are habits and like any habits it can be changed. But to do that you have to develop a very conscious and open relationship with your anxiety or fear. You must learn to face your fear. But you must not try to get rid of the fear by suppression or trying to distract yourself with some activity to get away from it, because if you do that you will simply feel the fear.

So, the biggest problem that I come across over and over again is that people try to avoid their fear or anxiety, sometimes even by meditation, itself, trying to meditate on something pleasant or neutral such as the breath as a way of escaping their anxiety. This is not going to work. And I do not recommend it.

What I teach in my sessions is how to meditate on anxiety directly. That is what needs your help. That's what needs your consciousness and you must really develop a direct conscious relationship with your emotions if you want them to heal and change.

So, if you'd like to learn more about how to apply mindfulness for overcoming anxiety and you're interested in talking to a therapist online over Skype then do please go to my website. Read more about this approach. And then simply email me to schedule a Skype therapy session. I see people all over the world but mostly throughout North America and Western Europe.


See my linkedin articles: Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online Therapy for treating Anxiety and Stress

Online Therapy for treating Anxiety and Stress