Online Therapist Boulder

Online Therapist Boulder, Colorado

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for anxiety and depression in Colorado

Serving: Denver, Boulder, Aurora, Broomfield, Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Louisville, Greeley, Lakewood, Thornton, Westminster, Arvada, Pueblo, Colorado Springs

Online Mindfulness Therapy Colorado

Skype Therapy

Main site:

Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

Online Therapy For Anxiety & Depression via Skype

Please feel free to email me to find out more about Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.

During these sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you how to use mindfulness for promoting recovery from all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, chronic depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other forms of emotional suffering, by using the very practical teachings of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is extremely effective and you will notice significant results after the first 2-3 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is extremely effective for managing anxiety and depression without using drugs. It is always better to treat the root cause of your emotional suffering as opposed to just suppressing symptoms.

The principle healing factors cultivated during Mindfulness Meditation Therapy are Conscious Awareness, which is necessary for overcoming the negative habits that cause psychological suffering, and Inner Compassion, which is what facilitates healing and resolution of psychological suffering.

"The insights that I have gained in the first two sessions of online counseling are proving invaluable. Now I can see a way through my anxiety for the first time. Mindfulness Therapy is amazing."


Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety & Depression - Online MBCT

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype is a convenient and very popular world-wide service provided by US psychotherapist, Dr Peter Strong. Today, working with an online therapist is becoming the first choice for learning how to overcome anxiety, panic attacks, depression and stress. In this introduction we learn how Mindfulness Therapy online works for healing Anxiety and anxiety disorders.

Mindfulness Therapy is becoming one of the most respected methods for treating anxiety and for managing anxiety symptoms. This gentle yet extremely powerful therapy is also very suitable for online therapy, especially when we use Skype, which allows the client to have a face-to-face session with an online therapist.

Convenience and comfort are two of the most common reasons why people choose online therapy, but many really like the approach of Mindfulness Therapy, which tends to focus on changing the underlying causes of your anxiety, rather than just treating the symptoms. many people see big changes after only a few sessions of mindfulness-based online therapy.

If you are contemplating online counseling therapy to help you better cope with your anxiety, please visit my website and email me.

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong.

Skype-Based Online Mindfulness-based CBT Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home.


Online Therapy via Skype for help with anxiety and depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in online therapy that I provide over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other emotional problems without the use of medications.

This is not a medical treatment. This is a form of psychotherapy called mindfulness therapy that I've developed over the years and found to be particularly effective for anxiety and depression. So I'm often asked is online therapy as effective as in person therapy? And the answer is yes it is, certainly.

For the vast majority of people online therapy is just as effective as therapy in person, especially if you use Skype or similar video platform so you can see each other. That's the key ingredient. You must be able to see each other to really have good communication which is so important for effective psychotherapy. So if you can see each other then in my opinion there is no appreciable difference between online therapy and therapy in the therapist's office.

Now online therapy does offer some advantages. Clearly it's more convenient for you the client, because it means you can conduct your therapy sessions from home or from work or even in your car. All you need is a quiet place and a good internet reception and then you can conduct online therapy.

So people like the convenience, and people living in remote areas or for people living abroad, if you're based in a foreign country, you may not have access to the right kind of psychotherapist. And so online therapy gives you greater options for getting the kind of help that you are looking for from managing emotional problems such as anxiety or depression or addiction.

A lot of people like the greater privacy offered by online therapy. You don't have to wait in a therapist's office or similar public environment like that. You can conduct your sessions in the privacy of your own home and that's a big factor especially if you are struggling with a difficult set of emotions that you might be experiencing such as with depression or with addiction. So that greater level of privacy from your point of view is often just what we're looking for.

The other advantage of online therapy is that it's more comfortable for you as well. It's much less intimidating than the more typical clinical based therapy that's offered in a psychotherapist's office setting. From my point of view, my philosophy, is that we want to make psychotherapy as comfortable as possible. It should not be clinical in nature.

I personally do not advocate a medical approach for treating anxiety or depression. Medications may have some value in controlling symptoms but medications will do very little indeed to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction. That requires the right kind of psychological help, working with the underlying habits that cause your anxiety or depression or other emotional problem.

So the style of psychotherapy that I specialize in and find works best for the vast majority of people online is mindfulness therapy. This is a particular system of psychotherapy that I've developed over the last ten years or more that really focuses on working with those underlying habits which are primarily based around habitual reactive thinking.

So anxiety and depression are habits. They are learned habits. We are not born with anxiety or depression. We acquire these habits through time and often through trying to cope with emotional trauma in childhood. It's very common as a common starting point for the anxiety habits of the depression habit. Addiction often flows from that underlying anxiety or depression.

So we work on these habits very, very systematically in a focused way. We learn to dis-identify from the reactive thoughts. We learn to establish a healing relationship with the emotions based on compassion, which is a very important part of mindfulness teaching in general.

So if you'd like to learn more about Skype counseling therapy for anxiety or depression. If you would like to start sessions with me, then reach out to me by email. Simply contact me through my website and we can schedule a Skype counseling session at a time that works for you.


How to Start Online Therapy - Skype Therapy for Anxiety, Depression & Addictions

Benefits of Online Therapy - Talk to a Therapist Online

There are many benefits to Online Therapy and being able to speak with a therapist online. Convenience is one of the clear benefits, especially for people living abroad or in rural areas.

Another benefit of online therapy and counseling is that most people find it much more comfortable than office visits, and there have been studies showing that people see significantly better results with online therapy when compared to office-based psychotherapy, especially if they are suffering from an anxiety disorder.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in mindfulness-based psychotherapy, which I offer online via Skype.

Online therapy is becoming very popular, and there are many distinct benefits to online therapy. Convenience is certainly one of the main benefits of online therapy, but other benefits are that it is generally much more comfortable for you, the client. It's much less intimidating than going to a therapist's office, and this is very important, indeed, especially if you are suffering from anxiety, social anxiety or other form of general anxiety. Feeling comfortable is extremely important to help you work with that anxiety, so the online therapy option has district benefits for people suffering from anxiety.

The other benefit of online therapy is that it allows you not only the right therapist to work with, but allows you to find different styles of psychotherapy than may be available in your local area. For example, many people come to me because they are particularly interested in Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty and that's what I offer online.

Mindfulness Therapy is a very effective way of working with anxiety, depression, and addictions, too. It helps you, basically, break free of those patterns of reactive thinking that keep you imprisoned within anxiety or depression. It allows you to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction by allowing you to form a healing relationship with your anxiety or other emotions that helps transform that underlying cause. This is a unique feature of Mindfulness Therapy, and is one of the reasons why Mindfulness Therapy is becoming so popular.

If you are interested in learning more about Mindfulness Therapy and you would like to schedule an online therapy session, please visit my website and email me, and then we can find a time that works for you and schedule an online therapy session via Skype. So, please go to my website and CONTACT ME. Thank you!


Online Psychotherapy for Treating Anxiety and Depression

Learn how to eliminate anxiety or depression. Talk to a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for effective online counseling for Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Addictions, including eating disorders, PTSD or any other forms of emotional stress not requiring medical treatment. Email me to discover more about this online counseling service and to book a online counseling session with me.

Psychotherapy through Skype to Overcome Anxiety and Depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide psychotherapy through Skype as an alternative to conventional in-person office sessions.

From my experience with working with clients, particularly people who are suffering from anxiety or depression, I find that Skype therapy is just as effective as office-based sessions. In fact, many of my clients say that they actually prefer online psychotherapy because it is, obviously, more convenient, but it is also more private for you and less intimidating. It means you can stay at home and have your therapy sessions in the comfort of familiar surroundings. Also, it means that you don't have to take on the challenge of leaving home if you are suffering from agoraphobia or social anxiety or other form of anxiety that makes it very difficult for you to leave the house.

So, psychotherapy through Skype is very effective in deed and many of my clients really benefit from this approach. If you would like to learn more about psychotherapy over Skype, do please simply go to my website and then EMAIL ME and then we can schedule a trial Skype therapy session.

It's an excellent solution for most people who want to take charge of their healing process, without the use of medications or a medical-based approach.

Skype therapy is much more about teaching you specific practical methods, based on mindfulness, which is my specialty and which I write about in my book, 'The Path of Mindfulness Meditation', for overcoming the underlying process that generates anxiety or depression for most people.

So, if you are interested in a different approach, in which you are more in-charge of your recovery process, please go to my website and email me.


Psychotherapy by Skype to Overcome Anxiety & Depression Fast

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

So if you're interested in learning more about Mindfulness Therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression, do please feel free to reach out to me and ask any questions you may have and we can schedule an online therapy session at a time that works for you.

People like online therapy. It Is very convenient and it's also much more comfortable for most people to be able to have their therapy sessions at home or even in the office if they can find a quiet place for the online session. It's very important that you feel comfortable.

I recommend that you also contact any therapist that you're interested in working with online before you schedule your online therapy session with them to make sure that their approach matches your needs. So I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which I find to be very, very effective for most people. This is an approach that teaches you how to work with difficult emotions using mindfulness.

Now mindfulness is simply a quality of presence, of being conscious, of being aware, of being able to form a relationship with your anxiety or depression without reacting; to be present with your emotions without reacting, without trying to push them away or run away from them; without trying to distract yourself, without any kind of reactivity, to be totally present.

This quality of being totally present with your emotions is vital for allowing healing to happen. So painful emotions emotional suffering in general is always trying to heal. That's its nature. The mind is always trying to heal anxiety or depression in very much the same way that the body is always trying to heal any injury that it sustains.

This process we call psychological homeostasis and it is very much the same as homeostasis in the body. So that's important to understand; your anxiety or depression or other form of emotional suffering is already on a path of healing. The problem is that we do not allow it to heal properly because we become reactive.

So if you'd like to learn more about online therapy sessions using mindfulness, do please contact me and we can schedule an online therapy session via Skype. I use Skype because it's really very important that we can see each other. That is, I would say, them the primary requirement for good communication and that is certainly very important for good psychotherapy.

So we use Skype. We could also use Facetime or other Internet protocols that allow us to see each other. But I prefer Skype. I find that it works really well.

So if you'd like to schedule a Skype therapy session with me and explore in more detail how we can use mindfulness to heal your anxiety or depression, then please reach out to me and let's schedule a session.

Online Therapist Boulder, CO


Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for anxiety and depression in Colorado

Serving: Denver, Boulder, Aurora, Broomfield, Fort Collins, Loveland, Longmont, Louisville, Greeley, Lakewood, Thornton, Westminster, Arvada, Pueblo, Colorado Springs

Online Mindfulness Therapy Colorado

Skype Therapy

Main site:

Skype Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

Online Therapist Boulder, CO

Online Therapist Boulder, CO