Online Therapy for Overcoming Fear of Driving in California

Online Therapy for Overcoming Fear of Driving in California

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Driiving Anxiety and fear of driving and Driving Phobia is available via Skype for California, including:

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacremento, Long Beach, Oakland, Bay Area, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara

Online Mindfulness Therapy California

Online Therapy for Driving Anxiety

Skype Therapy

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Read my Linkein article: Online therapist for driving anxiety

Overcome your driving anxiety through Online Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy via Skype

How to Get Over Fear of Driving - Online Therapy via Skype


Driving anxiety and highway phobia is actually quite common. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online via Skype in which I will teach you very effective methods for reducing your driving anxiety and panic attacks on the road. Most people see dramatic improvements after 3-4 online sessions.

What makes therapy for driving anxiety effective is when you stop fighting or avoiding the anxiety that arises but actually take the time to "sit" with these emotions and make friend with them. You learn how to meditate on your emotions using the mindfulness techniques that I teach. This approach really works!

We also do a lot of imagery work, which is vital. A driving phobia, the fear of driving over bridges and overpasses for example is entirely due to the psychological imagery - the way you see it in your mind. Intense imagery creates intense anxiety.

The key is to investigate your emotional imagery and change it. Once you change this automatic imagery you change the anxiety directly. Reprocessing emotional imagery is essential if you have fear of driving after a car accident. You need to change that traumatic imagery directly, and this is something we cover during online therapy sessions.

The best form of psychotherapy teach you how to neutralize the reactive habitual anxiety thoughts that reinforce your anxiety and also to learn how to neutralize the underlying anxiety emotion itself.

Mindfulness Therapy offers one of the best methods for doing this.

I will teach you how to break free from your specific phobia around driving using mindfulness training.

This approach will involve Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, and you should be prepared to conduct a Skype therapy session in your car.

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and arrange for a Skype session with me. Inquiries welcome!

Everyone I have worked with really likes the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"I will be always grateful that I found out about Peter Strong and Mindful Meditation and will recommend his therapy to everyone who is going through tough times."


Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional online therapist and I specialize in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression, and this also includes online treatment for driving phobia.

Driving phobia is very common, actually, and it can be treated very easily using the techniques of mindfulness therapy that I offer. The most essential thing with driving phobia is to change the way that you relate to your thoughts and anxiety reactions.

The most common problem is that when these anxiety producing thoughts or emotional reactions get triggered we simply become completely identified with them. We collapse into those emotions, those thoughts. We become the anxiety and then it takes over and it will then magnify itself and increase and proliferate even more anxiety producing thoughts and emotional reactions.

So, to break this cycle of a phobia you have to learn how to form a conscious and non-reactive relationship with those thoughts and emotional reactions.

You do this by cultivating mindfulness. You learn to meditate on your anxiety and on those react to thoughts directly. You learn to develop emotional stillness and independence in relationship to those very thoughts. Most of us try to escape those thoughts and push them that way. But this has a disastrous effect in actually increasing the anxiety.

It's only when you learn to face your anxiety without reacting that the anxiety can resolve itself, heal and eventually extinguish itself. So, mindfulness therapy is one of the most effective ways of working with intense thoughts and anxiety reactions.

The program that I teach feature in the online therapy sessions is one of establishing a challenge, first of all A particular stretch of road that you have problems with that triggers that driving phobia, that's the challenge.

You will set up a routine of driving down that stretch of road every day, and so allowing yourself to really get access to that underlying anxiety and the thoughts that get triggered. But, we don't just do this in a blind way.

Instead we meditate on the driving challenge before hand. We play through the challenge in our mind, imagining ourselves driving that stretch of road. We look for the anxiety and thought reactions they get treated and the moment we find those reactions we welcome them.

We actually develop a friendly and conscious relationship with those thoughts. You see them as visitors, if you like, that arise in the mind. But those visitors who are not the same as your mind. And indeed your True Self is not any of the contents of mind - that's a very important teaching that we cover in great detail during Mindfulness Therapy.

So you learn by training to be present with those thoughts and emotions without reacting and without becoming identifying with them. So you're learning to become free from their influence.

You are overcoming the habit that causes you to react and produce anxiety or panic attacks. After you have meditated on the driving challenge as best you can, and you really try to just stay present and conscious and practice on the spot, mindfulness greeting of those thoughts and emotional reactions that might arise.

But the training that you have established in the meditation before doing the challenge will help you greatly and that training will begin to take hold automatically with practice.

So people usually see quite significant changes after the first three or four weeks of practicing with me using mindfulness to overcome their driving phobia. If you'd like to learn more about the mindfulness approach to treating driving phobia, then please go to my website.

Learn more about online treatment for driving anxiety and then simply e-mail and we can schedule a Skype therapy session and I will start teaching you these mindfulness methods straight away, and then you can start putting them into practice between sessions, and each week you'll find you will get significantly more comfortable with your driving.

So, if you're interested in online treatment for driving phobia, please email me. Thank you.


Online Therapy for Driving Anxiety & Highway Phobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy over Skype, especially for treating anxiety. Most of my clients come to me for help with overcoming anxiety, and driving anxiety is one particular form of anxiety that is very, very common and is, of course, a big problem for many people.

For example, one of my clients had a fear of bridges, and she was living in Florida, and this, of course, made it very difficult for her to get anywhere since she had to travel over many bridges to get to work.

So, if you are interested in online therapy for driving anxiety, do please go to my website and simply email me and I will explain to you how Mindfulness Therapy works for overcoming fear of driving, highway phobia, or whatever particular form of driving anxiety that you have.

It is really much easier than you might think. Really, the central focus of Mindfulness Therapy that makes it work so well for anxiety is that it works on changing the underlying process that creates the anxiety, and that process is primarily built around imagery, that is, the way you see the emotion in your mind.

This is particularly the case if you are recovering from a car accident, that will have left a traumatic memory image in the mind. That imagery is what creates the anxiety.

The imagery gets triggered by external sights and so on: the sight of the road, the place where the accident happened, and so no and so forth, but what causes the anxiety is that internal imagery, the traumatic imagery in this case.

Most people are not aware of their emotional imagery. they are simply aware of what triggers the anxiety and then the experience of the anxiety, but not the "black box" in between.

In Mindfulness Therapy, we focus on opening that black box to look at the actual imagery that creates your anxiety. Once you begin to investigate and know the structure of that imagery then you can produce effective changes in that imagery.

The imagery, remember, is simply formed out of habit, and habit, as you know, thrives on unawareness. The moment you start to bring awareness to that imagery then you can choose how to change that imagery to a form that is less intense and less traumatic and creates less anxiety.

So, this is one part of Mindfulness Therapy, working with internal imagery. There are many other factors as well that really make it such an effective approach. Another key feature, I would say, of Mindfulness Therapy is the idea that we actually learn to develop a friendly relationship with our emotions. This is absolutely crucial, too. The more friendly you are the more your emotions are able to change and heal.


Online Mindfulness Therapy California

Online Therapy for Driving Anxiety

Online Therapy for Overcoming Fear of Driving in California

Online Therapy for Overcoming Fear of Driving in California