Online Psychotherapy via Skype for anxiety

Online Psychotherapy via Skype for anxiety

Online Therapist for Anxiety via Skype - Learn how to deal with anxiety 

Contact me if you would like to learn more about Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me. 

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“I will be always grateful that I found out about Peter Strong and Mindful Meditation and will recommend his therapy to everyone who is going through tough times."

During these online therapy sessions I will teach you how to use mindfulness for working with all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, and addiction recovery and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the well-tested techniques of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy. 

This approach is very effective and most of my clients/students notice noticeable results after the first few online sessions with me. 

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Psychotherapy is extremely effective for controlling anxiety and depression without relying on medications. It is far better to treat the root cause of your psychological suffering as opposed to just trying to manage symptoms.


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Online Help for Anxiety - Talk to an Online Therapist

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide an anxiety chat online help service through Skype where you can get the help that you might be looking for for managing anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and other forms of emotional suffering, including depression. 

So during this chat therapy service I will be teaching you mindfulness-based methods for working with your anxiety. The challenge is to prevent the habit of becoming overwhelmed and automatically identified with anxiety reactions and thought reactions that get triggered in the mind. This is by far the central problem that we address during mindfulness training. 

We tend to become overwhelmed. We tend to become caught up in anxiety based thinking, and it happens automatically in a conditioned way without our choice or without any sense of control. During mindfulness training we gain control by actually focusing conscious awareness on those emotional and thought habits themselves. 

The more you see them, the freer you become from their grip the less they become habitual and when they break that compulsive blind quality of habitual reactivity then the emotions and thought patterns begin to dissolve by themselves. This is a very effective and well-tested method of working with anxiety. You focus your conscious attention on the anxiety but learning not to react to the anxiety. 

It is like learning to maintain balance. Say on the edge of the river, in order to maintain and strengthen your balance so you don't fall into the river, you have to actually practice walking on the bank of the river. 

And this is the way it is for any form of learning, you have to actually engage with the challenges that cause you to go off balance. Same applies to developing strength through going into a gym, where you need to strengthen the muscle groups in order to be able to run the marathon or whatever you might want to do. 

You have to work specifically on strengthening those muscles that are habitually weak. It's the same with anxiety. Anxiety is simply a learned habits and the habit can be overcome by purposefully facing your anxiety. Not arguing with it, not trying to suppress the anxiety, not trying to convince yourself that you don't need to feel anxiety. Those approaches are very, very limited in their effectiveness. 

The real effective way to overcome anxiety, as I say, is to learn to stand your ground in the face of anxiety, to learn to maintain your independence in the face of your anxiety, to learn how to maintain freedom in relationship to your anxiety and the reactive thoughts that feed that anxiety. 

So during mindfulness teaching we actually purposefully find the thoughts that create the anxiety, we purposefully find the anxiety itself and we focus mindful attention on those mental objects until you have complete freedom and balance. 

So if you're interested in scheduling a chat therapy session with me for help with your anxiety or depression of help with panic attacks as well, then please simply go to my website, learn more about the mindfulness therapy approach and about online chat therapy in general and let's schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that works for you. Thank you. 


How to Overcome Anxiety without using Medication through Online Mindfulness Therapy

Online Psychotherapist for Anxiety over Skype or FaceTime or Zoom

Welcome. If you'd like to speak to a psychotherapist online via Skype I invite you to go to my website and learn more about online psychotherapy. 

So being able to speak to an online psychotherapist for anxiety is particularly useful because usually if you're experiencing chronic anxiety you may find it rather difficult to leave home or go to see a therapist in an office. And the thought of medication and other treatment approaches might be rather intimidating. 

So being able to speak to an online psychotherapist via Skype is much more convenient and much more comfortable for most people. And that's the approach that I really specialize in - providing an online therapy resource as a way of working with difficult emotions like anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety and also OCD. 

The style of psychotherapy that I offer online is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this is really a very effective way of learning how to manage difficult emotions such as anxiety and depression. Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to change the way that you relate to your emotions and also to your thoughts. We have to learn to form a relationship with our emotions in which we do not become overwhelmed or consumed by those emotions. 

We need to be able to sit with those emotions, observe them, but not become overwhelmed by them. And this is what I will teach you during the online therapy sessions. I will teach you how to sit with your emotions without becoming overwhelmed, and this is a central theme in all Mindfulness Therapy. 

The particular style of Mindfulness Therapy that I've developed some 20 years ago now is designed to help you not only form a stable relationship with your emotions but also to explore how to heal anxiety depression and other emotions. And this we do by developing a response based on compassion and friendliness with our emotions. 

The typical habitual response that most people develop is that they try to avoid their anxiety or they try to avoid anxiety producing situations and they react with fear towards their anxiety or panic attacks. 

So avoidance will not heal anxiety. It simply feeds the anxiety. And the same goes for developing aversion or fear towards your anxiety. If you react in any way to your anxiety it's only going to make it worse, basically. 

So when we learn to sit with our anxiety we learn to to see that anxiety as a part of our self that needs our help and need support. We learn to see the anxiety as a part that is in need. And in fact we learn to approach our anxiety very much the same way that a parent would approach a child in need. 

The anxiety is very much like a child in many ways. It is conditioned, it has limited ability to change itself and it requires the intervention of a larger entity, like a parent. 

Well during mindfulness training, we learn to become that parent to our own emotions, and that is a central requirement for healing. We have to become a parents to our anxiety. When you can approach your anxiety like that then you will facilitate healing and make it much more likely that healing will occur. 

So, if you like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and you like the idea of being able to speak to an online psychotherapist for anxiety, do please go to my website. Learn more about the Mindfulness Therapy approach and please email me to schedule an online psychotherapy session for your anxiety. Thank you. 


How to Overcome Anxiety Without depending on Medication 

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression. If you'd like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety or depression do please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression approach that I teach. 

Please email me if you'd like to schedule a Skype therapy session for using mindfulness to manage anxiety. 

I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome anxiety. This approach is very very effective. It's designed to teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with reactive thoughts and with your emotions themselves. We have to learn how to control habitual reactive thinking because that's one of the main factors that fuels anxiety. 

So that's very important, but we also use mindfulness to work on the emotions themselves. You learn to meditate on your anxiety. This is the most effective way to heal the anxiety. We don't want to just put up with it. We don't want to indulge it. We want to heal it and there's no better method than learning how to meditate on your anxiety. So I'll teach you how to do that during these online therapy sessions. 

So if you would like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety and you'd like to learn about mindfulness meditation for anxiety, please go to my website and email me to schedule a session. Thank you. 


Online Therapy for Anxiety Disorders 

How to Overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist, and I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression and other emotional problems.

If you would like to learn how to overcome General Anxiety Disorder, please learn more by visiting my website and contact me, tell me about yourself and about the anxiety that you are struggling with and ask any questions that you have about the online therapy process for treating anxiety.

So, how to overcome General Anxiety Disorder?

Well, there are several approaches that we take during the online mindfulness therapy sessions, but the first most important thing that I teach you is to effectively change the way that you relate to your anxiety.

For most people suffering from anxiety there is a lot of fear of the anxiety. We react against the anxiety by creating a fear reaction and also an avoidance reaction. We try to avoid the anxiety and the anxiety-producing thoughts and situations at all costs. This is very counter-productive. You must not do that. You must not seek to avoid your anxiety.

What really makes the difference is when you actually change your relationship to your anxiety, when you actually embrace it with mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a combination of conscious awareness and a quality of acceptance and friendliness towards that anxiety. You have to make friends with it if you want it to change.

If you fight it, it simply gets stronger. You have to embrace your fears, your anxiety, your depression or any other form of emotional suffering if you really want them to change.

So, this is what I teach you during our Skype therapy sessions and it works extremely well. If you are suffering from general anxiety disorder you can expect to see significant changes after 3-4 sessions if you practice the mindfulness techniques that I will teach you.

So, if you are interested in learning more about Skype therapy for anxiety do please go to my website and learn more and then send me an email and we can schedule a Skype therapy session. 


Therapy via Skype

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Online Psychotherapy via Skype for anxiety

Online Psychotherapy via Skype for anxiety