فنلندا: الجهات الرسمية تؤكد سوء أوضاع المهاجرين

أكد مركز التمويل العقاري والتطوير ازدياد أعداد المشردين - غير ذوي المساكن - بين صفوف المهاجرين والنساء مقارنةً بغيرهم من المواطنين؛ حيث ارتفعت نسبة العائلات المشردة بنسبة 20% عن العام الماضي.

وقد أشارت النتائج إلى أن العام الماضي كان هناك 1000 مشرد يعيش بمفرده، إلا أن نسبتهم بلغت 13% من جملة المشردين، في حين تُشَكِّل الأسر المشردة من المهاجرين هذا العام 40% من جملة المشردين.

الخبر من مصدره الأصلي:

More immigrants among the homeless

An increasing number of families lack a roof over their heads, according to the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA). Homelessness has grown among immigrants and women, but on the whole it has decreased among people living alone.

The number of homeless families went up by a fifth since the year before, totalling over 400 by the end of 2011. Over half of them lived in the Helsinki region.

The figures for immigrants without a place to live have also gone up, according to ARA. In 2011, homeless immigrants living alone numbered over 1,000 for the first time. They now account for 13 percent of all the homeless, whereas before this figure was 9 percent.

Families of immigrants make up 40 percent of all families without a home.

Many women and young people are among the homeless. At the end of 2011, some 7,600 people who lived alone lacked a roof over their heads. One in five was either a woman or an under 25-year-old.