General information in English

Ayman Abu Saleh (Phone: +358 44 2909535) E-Mail: absayman@gmail.comGeneral information in English

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المعلومات الحديثة موجودة على هذا الرابط






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Adopted by the Statutory General Meeting on 11 and 15 January 1990.

Amended by the first Annual General Meeting on 9 March 1990 and by the General Meeting on 1 April 1994.

Ayman Abu Saleh.

Palestinian History, A Chronology

From Earliest Times Until 1949

· B.C.

· 70 - 1899

· 1900 - 1918

· 1919 - 1922

· 1923 - 1931

· 1932 - 1938

· 1939 - 1946

· 1947

· 1948

· 1949


600,000-10,000 B.C.

Paleolithic and Mesolithic period. Earliest human remains in the area, found south of Lake Tiberias, dated to circa 600,000 B.C.

10,000-5,000 B.C.

Neolithic period. Establishment of settled agricultural communities.

5,000-3,000 B.C.

Chalcolithic period. Copper and stone tools and artifacts. Remains from this period found near Jericho, Beersheba, and the Dead Sea.

3,000-2,000 B.C.

Early Bronze Age. Arrival and settlement of Canaanites (3,000-2,500 B.C.).

ca. 1,250 B.C.

Israelite conquest of Canaan.

965-928 B.C.

King Solomon. Construction of the temple in Jerusalem.

928 B.C.

Division of Israelite state into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

721 B.C.

Assyrian conquest of the kingdom of Israel.

586 B.C.

Judah defeated by Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. Deportation of its population to Babylon; destruction of the temple.

539 B.C.

Persians conquer Babylonia. Some Jews allowed to return. Construction of a new temple.

333 B.C.

Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great brings Palestine under Greek rule.

323 B.C.

Death of Alexander leads to alternate rule by Ptolemies of Egypt and Seleucids of Syria.

165 B.C.

Maccabees revolt against the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes and go on to establish independent Jewish state.

63 B.C.Incorporation of Palestine into the Roman Empire.70 - 1899



Destruction of the Second Temple by Roman Emperor Titus.


Bar Kokhba revolt suppressed. Jews barred from Jerusalem and Emperor Hadrian builds new pagan city of Aelia Capitolina on its ruins.


Palestine under Byzantine rule: Jerusalem and Palestine increasingly Christianized.


Arabs under the Caliph 'Umar capture Palestine from Byzantines.


Umayyad caliphs rule Palestine from Damascus. Dynasty descended from Umayya of Meccan tribe of Quraysh. Construction of Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem by Caliph 'Abd al-Malik (685-705). Construction of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem by Caliph al-Walid I (705-715).


'Abbasid caliphs rule Palestine from Iraq. Dynasty, founded by Abu al-' Abbas al-Saffah, who is descended from' Abbas, uncle of the Prophet.


Fatimid dynasty, claiming descent from the Prophet's daughter Fatima and her cousin 'Ali, rule Palestine from Egypt. They proclaim themselves caliphs in rivalry to the' Abbasids.


Saljuqs, originally from Isfahan, capture Jerusalem and parts of Palestine, which remains officially within the 'Abbasid Empire.


Crusaders establish the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.


Kurdish general Saladin (Salah al-Din who was born in Takrit northern Iraq, the birth place of Saddam Hussein too), son of Ayyub, the sultan of Mosul, defeats Crusaders at Hittin in northern Palestine and recaptures Jerusalem. The Ayyubid dynasty rules Palestine from Cairo.


Mamluks succeed Ayyubids, ruling Palestine from Cairo; defeat Mongols at Battle of 'Ayn Jalut near Nazareth.


Mamluks capture final Crusader strongholds of Acre and Caesarea.


Palestine incorporated into the Ottoman Empire with its capital in Istanbul.


Muhammad 'Ali Pasha of Egypt occupies Palestine. Ottomans subsequently reassert their rule.


Palestinian deputies from Jerusalem attend the first Ottoman Parliament in Istanbul, elected under a new Ottoman Constitution.


The first modern Zionist agricultural settlement of Petach Tiqwa established.


First wave of 25,000 Zionist immigrants enters Palestine, coming mainly from eastern Europe.


Baron Edmond de Rothschild of Paris starts financial backing for Jewish settlement in Palestine.


Palestine divided by Ottomans into the districts (sanjaks) of Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre. The first was attached directly to Istanbul, the others to the wilayet of Beirut.


Theodor Herzl, an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and writer, publishes Der Judenstaat, advocating establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine or elsewhere.


Jewish Colonization Association, founded in 1891 in London by German Baron Maurice de Hirsch, starts aiding Zionist settlements in Palestine.


First Zionist Congress in Switzerland issues the Basle Program calling for the establishment of a "home for the Jewish people in Palestine." It also establishes the World Zionist Organization (WZO) to work to that end.

1900 - 1918


Jewish National Fund (JNF) set up by fifth Zionist Congress in Basle to acquire land for WZO; land acquired by JNF to be inalienably Jewish, and exclusively Jewish labor to be employed on it.


Second wave of about 40,000 Zionist immigrants increases Jewish population in Palestine to about 6% of total. Since the inception of Zionism it has been claiming that Palestinian was an empty country.


Establishment of the first kibbutz, based exclusively on Jewish labor. Tel Aviv founded north of Jaffa.


World War I starts.


30 January

Husayn-McMahon correspondence between Sharif Husayn of Mecca (leader of the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans) and Sir Henry McMahon (British High Commissioner of Egypt) ends in agreement for postwar independence and unity of Arab provinces of Ottoman Empire.

16 May

Sykes-Picot Agreement secretly signed, dividing Arab provinces of Ottoman Empire between Britain and France. Agreement revealed by Bolsheviks in December 1917.


Sharif Husayn proclaims Arab independence from Ottomans. Arab Revolt against Istanbul begins.


2 November

Balfour Declaration. British Secretary of State Balfour pledges British support for "a Jewish national home in Palestine."



Palestine occupied by Allied forces under British General Allenby.

30 October

World War I ends.

1919 - 1922


Third wave of over 35,000 Zionist immigrants increases Jewish population in Palestine to 12% of total. Registered Jewish landownership (1923) totals 3% of area of country.


27 January-10 February

First Palestinian National Congress in Jerusalem sends memoranda to Paris Peace Conference rejecting Balfour Declaration and demanding independence.

28 August

Paris Peace Conference sends Commission of Inquiry to Near East, led by U.S. commission members Henry C. King and Charles Crane. England and France decline to participate. Commission recommends "serious modification" of idea of "making Palestine distinctly a Jewish Commonwealth."



Disturbances in Palestine; 5 Jews killed, 200 wounded. British appoint Palin Commission of Inquiry .Commission report attributes troubles to none fulfillment of promises of Arab independence and fear of political and economic consequences of Zionism.

25 April

Palestine Mandate assigned to Britain by Supreme Council of San Remo Peace Conference.


British prevent Second Palestinian National Congress from convening.

1 July

High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel, an Anglo-Jewish politician, inaugurates British civilian administration.


Third Palestinian National Congress, meeting in Haifa, elects Executive Committee, which remains in control of Palestinian political movement from 1920 to 1935.



Founding of the Haganah, the Zionists' illegal underground military organization.

1 May

Disturbances in Jaffa protesting large-scale Zionist immigration; 46 Jews killed, 146 wounded. British Haycraft Commission of Inquiry (October) attributes disturbances to fears of Zionist mass immigration.

8 May

Haj Amin al-Husayni appointed Multi of Jerusalem.


Fourth Palestinian National Congress, convening in Jerusalem, decides to send a Palestinian delegation to London to explain the Palestinian case against the Balfour Declaration.


3 June

British colonial secretary Winston Churchill issues White Paper excluding Transjordan from scope of Balfour Declaration. Ignoring political criteria, White Paper authorizes Jewish immigration according to "economic absorptive capacity" of the country.

24 July

League of Nations Council approves Mandate for Palestine.


Fifth Palestinian National Congress, meeting in Nablus, agrees to economic boycott of Zionists (see 1901 entry on JNF).


First British census of Palestine shows population of 757,182 -78% Muslim Arab, 11% Jewish, 9.6% Christian Arab. It is often claimed that Palestine was empty until Zionist Jews made the Palestinian desert bloom.

1923 - 1931


29 September

British Mandate for Palestine comes officially into force.


Fourth wave of 67,000 Zionist immigrants, over 50% from Poland, increases Jewish population of Palestine to 16% of total. Registered Jewish landownership (1928) totals 4.2% of area of country.


Revisionist Party, founded in Paris by Polish Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky, demands establishment of Jewish state in Palestine and Transjordan and stresses military aspects of Zionism.


Sixth Palestinian National Congress convenes in Jaffa.



Seventh Palestinian National Congress convenes in Jerusalem.


Fifth wave of over 250,000 Zionist immigrants increases Jewish population in Palestine to 30% of total. Registered Jewish landownership (1939) totals 5.7% of area of country.



Riots arise out of dispute between Jews and Palestinians over claims to Wailing (Western) Wall in Jerusalem, a site holy to Muslims and Jews. In resulting clashes 133 Jews killed and 339 wounded, 116 Palestinians killed and 232 wounded, the latter mainly by British military .


General Palestinian conference meets in Jerusalem to formulate position on Wailing Wall controversy.


14 January

League of Nations appoints international commission to investigate legal status of Arabs and Jews at Wailing Wall.


British Shaw Palestinian Commission of Inquiry attributes 1929 disturbances to Palestinian fears of Jewish immigration "not only as a menace to their livelihood but as a possible overlord of the future."


British Hope-Simpson report on land settlement, immigration, and development in Palestine concludes that there is not sufficient agricultural land for substantially increased numbers of Jewish settlers.

British Colonial Secretary , Lord Passfield, issues White Paper which takes note of views of Hope-Simpson and Shaw commissions of inquiry.


Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), Irgun or IZL for short, founded by Revisionist groups and dissidents from Haganah, advocates a more militant policy against Palestinians. Valdimir Jabotinsky is commander-in-chief.

14 February

British prime minister Ramsay MacDonald in a letter to Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann virtually retracts Passfield White Paper.

18 November

Second British census of Palestine shows population of 1,035,154-73% Muslim Arab, 16.9% Jewish, 8.6% Christian Arab.


Lewis French, British director of development for Palestine, publishes report on "landless Arabs," caused by Zionist colonization.

1932 - 1938


14 July

British Secretary of State issues statement on resettlement of Palestinian farmers displaced from land acquired by Zionists.



Revisionists quit World Zionist Organization (WZO) to form New Zionist Organization with aim of "liberating" Palestine and Transjordan.


Shaykh 'Izz al-Din al-Qassam, Muslim cleric from Haifa, leader of first Palestinian guerrilla group fighting British policy in Palestine, killed in action against British security forces.


25 April

Leaders of Palestinian political parties form Higher Arab Committee under Chairman Haj Amin al-Husseini.

8 May

Conference of Palestinian National Committees in Jerusalem calls for no taxation without representation. Great Rebellion begins.

25 August

Lebanese guerrilla leader Fawzi al-Qawuqji enters Palestine leading 150 volunteers from Arab countries to help fight British.

11 November

Royal Commission headed by Lord Peel arrives in Palestine.


18 January

Royal Commission leaves Palestine.


IZL/Irgun, linked to Revisionist movement under Ze'ev Jabotinsky, reorganizes and advocates armed attacks on Palestinians.

7 July

Royal (Peel) Commission report recommends partitioning Palestine into Jewish state comprising 33% of country including Haifa, Galilee, and coastal plain north of Isdud; Arab state in rest of country (to become part of Transjordan); and British mandatory enclaves including Jerusalem. Part of Palestinian population to be forcibly transferred, if necessary, from Jewish state.

23 July

Arab Higher Committee rejects Royal Commission proposal and demands independent unitary Palestine with protection of "legitimate Jewish and other minority rights" and the safeguarding of British interests. Rebellion intensifies.


Arab National Congress at Bludan, Syria, attended by 450 delegates from Arab countries, rejects partition proposal, demands end to Mandate, a stop to Zionist immigration, and prohibition of transfer of Palestinian lands to Zionist ownership.

1 October

British dissolve Arab Higher Committee and all Palestinian political organizations. Five Palestinian leaders deported. Haj Amin al-Husayni escapes to Lebanon.

11 November

British establish military courts to counter Palestinian rebellion.



IZL/Irgun bombings kill 119 Palestinians. Palestinian bombs and mines kill 8 Jews.


British officer Orde Wingate organizes Special Night Squads of British and Haganah personnel for operations against Palestinian villages.

18 October

British military commanders take over administration from district commissioners to help suppress rebellion. Reinforcements brought from England.

19 October

British recapture Old City of Jerusalem from Palestinian rebels.

9 November

Report of British Woodhead technical commission of inquiry (January-April 1938) declares impracticability of Royal Commission's partition proposal. British call for general conference on Palestine in London attended by Arabs, Palestinians, and Zionists.

1939 - 1946


7 FebruaryLondon Conference starts.27 MarchLondon Conference ends without agreement.22-23 MayBritish House of Commons votes 268 to 179 in favor of White Paper issued by Colonial Secretary of State Malcolm MacDonald. White Paper calls for conditional independence for unitary Palestinian state after ten years; admission of 15,000 Jewish immigrants annually into Palestine for five years, with immigration after that subject to "Arab acquiescence" ; protection of Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition. British official estimates of Palestinians killed or executed by British military and police during Arab Rebellion is over 2,000 for 1936 and 1938 alone. Total for all years is estimated at 3,500-4,000. About 500 Jews killed in same period.

1 September

World War 11 begins.


Stern Gang or Lochemay Herut Yisra'el (LEHI; "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel") formed by dissident IZL members led by Avraham Stern.


Arrival of over 60,000 Zionist immigrants, including 20-25,000 who have entered the country illegally (April 1939-December 1945), increases Jewish population in Palestine to 31% of total. Registered Jewish landownership rises to 6.0% of area of country.


28 February

Land Transfers Regulations, suggested by 1939 White Paper to protect Palestinian land rights against Zionist acquisition, enter into force.



Avraham Stern killed by British police. It should be noted that the Stern gang received extensive financial and military support from the Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to terrorize the British Mandate in Palestine.


Biltmore Conference in New York attended by Zionist leaders from U.S. and Palestine, urges that "Palestine be established as a Jewish commonwealth."



Five-year limit on Jewish immigration (expiring April 1944) extended so all 75,000 visas permitted in 1939 White Paper can be filled.



Stern Gang and IZL join to conduct terror campaign against British.

6 November

Stern Gang murders Lord Moyne, British resident minister of state, in Cairo.


8 May

End of World War in Europe.


Large-scale illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine resumes under Haganah control.

13 November

British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin issues White Paper announcing continued Jewish immigration into Palestine after exhaustion of 1939 White Paper quota.


6 March

Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, proposed in 1945 White Paper, arrives in Palestine.


Anglo-American Committee report estimates size of Jewish armed forces at around 61-69,000 people (Haganah: 58-64,000; IZL: 3-5,000; Stern: 2-300) and declares "private armies" illegal. Recommends admission of 100,000 Jews into Palestine and abolition of Land Transfers Regulations. Palestinians strike in protest.

11-12 June

Arab League meeting in Bludan, Syria, adopts secret resolutions warning Britain and U .S. that disregard for Palestinian rights will damage their oil and commercial interests in Arab world.


British White Paper on terrorism in Palestine accuses Haganah of cooperating with IZL and Stern Gang in acts of sabotage and violence.

22 July

Ninety-one British, Palestinian, and Jewish civil servants and visitors killed when IZL blows up wing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem housing British government secretariat.

31 July

Anglo-American Conference in London produces Morrison-Grady Plan proposing federal scheme to solve Palestine problem. Zionist and Palestinian leaders reject the plan.


26 January

London Round Table conference reopens.

7-10 February

British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin proposes variant of Morrison-Grady Plan to London Conference and Jewish Agency. Arab delegates in London and Jewish Agency reject proposal.

18 February

Bevin announces submission of Palestine problem to United


28 April-15 May

UN General Assembly special session on Palestine problem leads to appointment of eleven-member Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP).

8 September

Publication of UNSCOP report. Majority of members recommends partition, minority recommends federal solution.

16-19 September

Arab League denounces UNSCOP partition recommendation, and appoints Technical Military Committee to supervise Palestinian defense needs.

26 September

Arthur Creech Jones, British colonial secretary, announces Britain's decision to end Palestine Mandate.

29 September

Arab Higher Committee rejects partition.

2 October

Jewish Agency accepts partition.

7-15 October

Arab League meets at Aley, Lebanon. Iraqi General Isma'il Safwat, chairman of Technical Committee, warns of dangers posed by Zionism at end of Mandate and urges Arab states to mobilize their utmost force and efforts to counter Zionist intentions." One million pounds sterling allocated to Technical Military Committee.

29 October

Britain says it will leave Palestine in six months if no settle-

ment reached.

27 November

Report by Safwat warns of virtual impossibility of overcoming Zionist forces with irregulars; urges prompt Arab action in organizing military force; advocates training Palestinians to defend themselves.

29 November

UN General Assembly recommends variant of UNSCOP partition plan allocating 56.5% of Palestine to Jewish state and 43% to Arab state with international enclave around Jerusalem; 33 votes for, 13 against, 10 abstentions. Arab representatives walk out.

30 November

Haganah calls up Jews in Palestine aged 17-25 to register for military service.


Arab League organizes Arab Liberation Army (ALA), a voluntary force of Arab irregulars under guerrilla leader Fawzi al-Qawuqji to help Palestinians resist partition.

2 December

Palestinians start three-day strike protesting UN Partition Resolution. Intercommunal clashes leave 8 Jews and 6 Palestinians dead.

8 December

Britain recommends to UN that Palestine Mandate be terminated on 15 May 1948 and independent Jewish and Palestinian states be established two weeks later.

8-17 December

Arab League Political Committee meeting in Cairo declares partition illegal and resolves to provide 10,000 rifles, 3,000 volunteers (including 500 Palestinians) and a further 1,000,000 pounds sterling to Technical Military Committee.

15 December

British announce intention to hand over policing in Tel Aviv-Petach Tiqwa area to Jews and in Jaffa to Palestinians.

17 December

Jewish Agency Executive reports that American Jews will be asked for $250 million to help Jewish community in Palestine.

21 December-late March 1948

Haganah and IZL attack villages and Bedouin settlements of coastal plain north of Tel Aviv in first coastal "clearing" operation.

31 December

Haganah and IZL paramilitary gangs perpetrate Balad al-Shaykh (Haifa) massacre, in which more than 60 civilians are murdered.

December 1947-January 1948

Arab Higher Committee organizes 275 local committees for defense of Palestinian towns and villages.



Palestinian guerrilla leader 'Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni secretly returns to Palestine after ten-year exile to organize resistance to partition.

8 January

First contingent of 330 ALA volunteers arrives in Palestine.

10 January

ALA assault on Jewish settlement of Kefar Szold repulsed with help of British.

14 January

Haganah concludes arms deal with Czechoslovakia for $12,280,000 worth of arms including 24,500 rifles, 5,000 light machine guns, 200 medium machine guns, 54 million rounds of ammunition, 25 Meserschmitts. By end of Mandate at least 10,740 rifles, 1,200 machine guns, 26 field guns, and 11 million rounds of ammunition arrive in Palestine. Rest of arms arrive by end of May.

16 January

British report to UN estimates 1,974 people killed or injured in Palestine from 30 November 1947-10 January 1948.

20 January

British administration announces that predominantly Jewish or Palestinian areas will be gradually handed over to local majority group in every area concerned.

21 and 28 January

Second and third contingents of 360 and 400 ALA irregulars arrive in Palestine.


JNF leaders encourage evictions from villages of Haifa area Haganah attacks villages near Lake al-Hula. Palmach attacks Negev Bedouin.

16 February

ALA mounts unsuccessful attack on Jewish settlement of Tirat Zvi north of Baysan.

18 February

Haganah calls up men and women aged 25-35 for military service.

24 February

U.S. delegate to UN says Security Council role should be to keep peace in Palestine, not enforce partition. Syrian delegate suggests appointing committee to explore possible Jewish Agency-Arab Higher Committee agreement.


Transjordanian prime minister Tawfiq Abu al-Huda secretly meets British foreign secretary Bevin. They agree that Transjordanian forces will enter Palestine at end of Mandate but will restrict themselves to area of Arab state outlined in partition Plan.

5-7 March

Qawuqji enters Palestine and assumes command of ALA units in Jinin-Nablus-Tulkarm triangle within area allotted to Arab state.

6 March

Haganah declares general mobilization.

10 March

British House of Commons votes to end Mandate on 15 May. Plan Dalet finalized by Haganah. Plan provides for military conquest of area allotted by UN Partition Plan to Jewish state and of substantial Palestinian territories beyond this state's boundaries. Plan contains a series of interlocking operations.

18 March

President Truman secretly receives Chaim Weizman and pledges support for declaration of Jewish state on May 15.

19-20 March

U.S. delegate asks UN Security Council to suspend action on partition plan and to convene General Assembly special session to work on a trusteeship plan. Arabs accept limited trusteeship and truce if Jews also accept. Jewish Agency rejects trusteeship.

25 March

President Truman calls for immediate truce and says U.S. will share responsibility for temporary trusteeship.

30 March-15 May

Second coastal "clearing" operation carried out by Haganah Alexandroni brigade and other units. Attacks and expulsions drive out almost all Palestinian communities from coastal area from Haifa to Jaffa prior to British withdrawal.

1 April

Delivery of first consignment of Czech arms deal: Ship "Nora" arrives in Haifa from Yugoslavia with 4,500 rifles, 200 light machine guns, 5 million rounds of ammunition. Two hundred rifles, 400 machine guns and further ammunition ferried in by airplane. UN Security Council resolutions call for special session of General Assembly and agree to U.S. proposal for truce to be arranged through Jewish Agency and Arab Higher Committee.

4 April

Haganah launches Plan Dalet.

4-15 April

Battle of Mishmar ha-'Emeq: ALA repulsed by Haganah from Jewish settlement of Mishmar ha-'Emeq. Haganah, Carmeli, Alexandroni, and Palmach units occupy villages in Marj ibn 'Amir.

6-15 April

Operation Nachshon: In first operation of Plan Dalet Haganah Giv'ati Brigade and other units capture villages along Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road from local Palestinian militia.

8 April

'Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni, charismatic Palestinian militia commander, Jerusalem district, is killed leading counterattack to recover al-Qastal village.

9 April

IZL and Stern Gangs massacre some 250 inhabitants in village of Dayr Yasin near Jerusalem.

12 April

General Zionist Council decides to establish independent state in Palestine on 16 May.

13-20 April

Operation Har'el under Plan Dalet launched at conclusion of Operation Nachshon. Villages along Jerusalem road attacked and demolished. All subsequent Haganah operations until 15 May 1948 undertaken within framework of Plan Dalet.

15 April-25 May

Operation Yiftach: Palmach captures Safad from ALA and local militia (9-10 May). Attacks and psychological warfare used to empty villages of eastern Galilee and Galilee panhandle. Operation Matate (Broom) drives out Bedouin and villagers from area south of Rosh Pinna to Jordan River.

16-17 April

Haganah Golani brigade and Palmach units capture Tiberias as it is evacuated by British. Palestinian inhabitants flee.

17 AprilSecurity Council resolution calls for military and political truce.20 AprilU.S. submits Palestine trusteeship plan to UN.21 AprilOperation Misparayim (meaning scissor): British forces suddenly withdraw from Haifa precipitating all-out Haganah dawn offensive against city's Palestinian population. Offensive accompanied by heavy mortar shelling of Palestinian residential quarters.22 April

Resistance of local Palestinian militia in Haifa collapses. Haifa's Palestinian population flees under combined Haganah shelling and ground offensives.

25 April

IZL starts massive mortar shelling of Jaffa's residential quarters; simultaneously launches ground offensive to cut off northern Manshiyeh quarter from rest of city.

26-30 April

Haganah Har'el and Etzioni brigades launch Operation Yevussi in and around Jerusalem; attack East Jerusalem residential quarter of Shaykh Jarrah but are forced to hand it over to British; capture West Jerusalem residential district of Qatamon from Palestinian irregulars. Flight of Palestinian inhabitants.

27 April-5 May

Operation Chametz: Haganah launches major ground offensive against eastern Jaffa suburbs and neighboring villages to cut off city from its hinterland. Some 50,000 civilians flee under combined IZL and Haganah attacks.

30 April

All Palestinian quarters in West Jerusalem occupied by Haganah and residents driven out.

1 May

The Zionists forces occupied and massacred more than 70 civilians from 'Ayn al-Zaytun (Safad).

3 May

175-200,000 Palestinian refugees reported to have fled from areas taken by Zionists.

8-16 May

Haganah Har'el and Giv'ati brigades undertake Operation Makkabi. Capture villages on al-Ramla-Latrun road.

9 May-1 June

Operation Barak: Strikes by Haganah Giv'ati and Negev brigades south and West of al-Ramla.

10-15 May

Golani brigade occupies Baysan, attacks villages of Baysan Valley south of Lake Tiberias.

12-14 May

Arrival of second and third Czech arms consignments for Haganah: 5,000 rifles, 1,200 machine guns, 6 million rounds of ammunition.

13 May

Arab Legion, ALA, and local militia attack and capture Jewish settlements of Etzion bloc, retaliating for attacks on Hebron road. Jaffa formally surrenders to Haganah.

13-21 May

Operation Ben-Ami: Carmeli brigade occupies Acre and coastal area north of city .

14 May

Haganah launches Operation Qilshon (Pitchfork), occupying strategic areas in Jerusalem evacuated by British and taking Palestinian residential quarters outside Old City from Arab irregulars.

Haganah launches Operation Schfifon to take Old City of Jerusalem.

State of Israel proclaimed in Tel Aviv at 4:00 P.M.

President Truman recognizes state of Israel.

15 May

British Mandate ends. Declaration of State of Israel comes into effect.

15-17 May

Lebanese regulars cross border and temporarily retake villages of Malikiyya and Qadas from Haganah, but are forced out of fortress of Nabi Yusha'.

15-28 May

Transjordanian Arab Legion troops cross River Jordan and move towards Jerusalem capturing Jewish settlements of Atarot and Newe Ya'aqov north of city (17 May). In Jerusalem, Legion retakes Shaykh Jarrah quarter (16 May), fails to capture stronghold in Notre Dame monastery (17-25 May), and takes control of Jewish Quarter of Old City (28 May).

On the 23th of May 1948, al-Tantura was perpetrated against 250 civilians and POWs.

15 May-4 June

Iraqi units cross Jordan River, are repulsed from Crusader fortress of Belvoir , and besiege settlement of Gesher for a week. Iraqi regulars move into Nablus-Jinin- Tulkarm triangle 24 May). Haganah advances on Jinin, evicting villagers (28-31 May); it attacks and briefly occupies Jinin before being repulsed (3-4 June).

15 May-7 June

Egyptian regular troops cross border, move up coast to Isdud and capture Jewish settlements of Yad Mordechai (24 May) and Nitzanim (7 June) in Negev. Another column of Egyptian irregulars moves to Bethlehem linking up with Arab Legion. In battle with IDF (21-25 May), Jewish settlement of Ramat Rachel south of Jerusalem changes hands several times and is finally retained by Jews.

16 May-10 June

Syrian columns advance over border and temporarily capture Jewish settlement of Zeniach (18-20 May), are repulsed from twin settlements of Degania (20 May), and capture settlement of Mishmar ha-Yarden (10 June). Syrians, Lebanese, and ALA recapture Malikiyya (6 June).

16-30 May

IDF Operation Ben-Nun: Israeli Sheva' and other brigades fail to capture al-Latrun from Arab Legion in attempt to open Jaffa-Jerusalem road, but occupy villages in vicinity.

20 May

UN Security Council appoints Count Folke Bernadotte as its mediator in Palestine.

22 May

UN Security Council resolution calls for ceasefire.

9-10 June

IDF Operation Yoram, launched against Arab legion by Har'el and Yiftach brigades, fails to capture al-Latrun.

11 June-8 July

First Truce.

28-29 June

Count Bernadotte suggests economic, military, and political union of Transjordan and Palestine containing Arab and Jewish states: Negev and central Palestine to go to Arabs; Western Galilee to Jews; Jerusalem to be part of Arab state with administrative autonomy for Jews; Haifa and Jaffa to be free ports and Lydda free airport. Rejected by both sides.

7 July

Security Council calls for prolongation of truce.

7-18 July

IDF Operation Dani: Capture of Lydda and al-Ramla from local militia. Population of both cities expelled. Three or four IDF brigades occupy villages along Jerusalem-Jaffa road and cluster of villages east of Jaffa. Yiftach brigade's assault on Arab Legion in al-Latrun (17 July) ends with Second Truce.

8-14 July

IDF Operation Dekel: Carmeli and Sheva' brigades push east and south from Acre, capture Nazareth from ALA under Qawuqji and occupy Lower Galilee.

8-11 July

IDF Operation An-Far: Giv'ati brigade, moving against Egyptians, empties villages south of al-Ramla in an arc between Hebron hills and coast.

9-18 July

IDF Carmeli Brigade fails to recapture the Zionist settlement of Mishmar ha-Yarden, south of Lake Tiberias, that had been occupied by Syrian troops.

15 July

UN Security Council resolution calls on governments and authorities concerned to issue indefinite ceasefire orders to their forces in Palestine to take effect within three weeks.

17 July

IDF Operation Qedem against Old City of Jerusalem is repulsed.

18 July-15 October

Second Truce.

24-26 July

IDF Operation Shoter: Carmeli, Alexandroni, and Golani brigades attack and capture three villages of Little Triangle south of Haifa.

16 August-end of September early October

Negev and Yiftach brigades attack and expel Bedouins and inhabitants of villages in Negev.

24-28 August

IDF Operation Nikayon (Cleansing): Giv'ati Brigade occupies coastal area west of Yibna and north of Isdud.

16 September

Report by UN mediator Count Bernadotte proposes new partition of Palestine: Arab state to be annexed to Transjordan and to include Negev, al-Ramla and Lydda; Jewish state in all of Galilee; internationalization of Jerusalem; return and compensation of refugees. Rejected by Arab League and Israel.

17 September

UN mediator Count Bernadotte murdered in Jerusalem by Stern Gang. Replaced by his American deputy Ralph Bunche.

15 October-9 November

IDF Operations Yo'av and ha-Har: Negev, Giv'ati, and Yiftach units move against Egyptians to capture Beersheba, Isdud, Majdal, and coastal strip as far as Yad Mordechai, and villages of Hebron Hills. Har'el brigade captures southern Jerusalem corridor.

29-31 October

IDF Operation Hiram: Upper Galilee pocket, held by Qawuqji's forces, occupied and emptied by Giv'ati, Oded, and Sheva' brigade troops. Tens of thousands flee. Israeli forces move into southern Lebanon as far as Litani River. On the 29th of October 1948, the IDF commits the famous Safsaf (Safad) massacre in which more than 60 civilians are murdered.


IDF Har'el Brigade expels several communities in Jerusalem corridor along border with Transjordanian forces. 4 November UN Security Council resolution calls for withdrawal of forces to positions occupied prior to 14 October and establishment of permanent truce lines.

Second week November-mid 1949

IDF expels inhabitants from villages 5-15 km inside Lebanese border, followed by expulsions from other Galilee villages.

22 December-6 January 1949

Operation Horev launched to drive Egyptians out of southern coastal strip and Negev. Asluj and al-'Awja captured. Israeli troops move into Sinai until British pressure forces withdrawal. Golani and Har'el brigades attack on Rafah ended by ceasefire (7 January).

27 December

IDF Alexandroni brigade's attack on isolated Egyptian forces in Faluja pocket is repulsed.


24 February

Israeli-Egyptian Armistice: Egypt keeps coastal strip Gaza Rafah and evacuates Faluja pocket; Asluj-al-'Awja area demilitarized.

End of February

IDF units intimidate 2-3,000 villagers into leaving Faluja pocket in violation of Israeli-Egyptian Armistice Agreement.


IDF Negev and Golani brigades complete occupation of Negev as far as Umm Rashrash/Eilat.

23 March

Israeli-Lebanese Armistice: Frontier of Mandate Palestine accepted; Israel withdraws from most of Lebanese territory.

3 April

Israeli-Jordanian Armistice: Jordan takes over Iraqi-held Nablus-Jinin- Tulkarm triangle but is forced to cede area around Wadi 'Ara; Israel controls Chadera-'Afula road; existing status quo in Jerusalem accepted by IDF and Arab Legion.

20 July

Syrian-Israeli Armistice: demilitarized zones established around 'En Gev and Dardara (including Mishmar ha-Yarden).

The Gaza Strip

“Gaza is a prison and Israel seems to have thrown away the key.”

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, John Dugard

Gaza: The Facts

  • Total Population - 1,500,202

  • Population Density - 4117 per sq km

  • Fertility Rate - 5.19 children/woman

  • Total Refugees - 1,059,584

  • Refugees as % of Population - 70%

  • Unemployment - 45.5%

  • Average Age - 17.2 years - some estimates have put the median age at 15.3.

  • Life Expectancy - 73.16 years

  • % dependant on foreign aid - 86%

Since the war by the numbers

From the Israeli organization Gisha, The Legal Center for Freedom of Movement.

Despite the fact that a year has passed since the start of the Gaza military operation, the damage caused by three weeks of war and the near total closure preceding it has yet to be repaired. The reason: Israel’s ongoing policy blocking goods from entering the Gaza Strip, including a near total ban on reconstruction materials.

Funds for Reconstruction:

• Reconstruction funds pledged at the Sharm Ash-Sheikh Summit Some $4.5 billion.

• Number of months international community negotiated with Israeli government over mechanism for transferring reconstruction funds and materials: Nine months.

• Implementation of mechanism for transferring reconstruction funds and materials: None.


• During the war: Some 3,500 homes were completely destroyed, some 2,800 sustained heavy damage, and some 54,000 were lightly damaged.These homes housed about 325,000 people.

• Policy on import of construction materials (cement, glass, iron) prior to the war: Banned, few humanitarian exceptions.

• Policy on import of construction materials today: Construction materials (cement, glass, iron, etc.) banned; 19 trucks of mostly cement and gravel permitted to enter for exceptional humanitarian projects.

• Needed to rebuild homes: At least 40,000 tons of cement, 25,000 tons of iron.

Humanitarian Infrastructure (Electricity, Water and Sewage):

• During the war: Seven out of 12 electric lines were shut down; the power station operated only 50% of the time. One million people were without electricity, and half a million people were without running water.

• Needed prior to the war to repair and maintain infrastructure: 172 types of spare parts that were either completely out of stock or were below minimum supply; 3.5 million liters/week industrial diesel for power station.

• Needed today to repair and maintain infrastructure: 240 types of spare parts that are either completely out of stock or are below minimum supply; 3.5 million liters/week industrial diesel for power station.

• Policy on import of materials prior to the war: Industrial diesel supply for power station limited to no more than 63% of need; parts stood idly for months in warehouses in Israel and the West Bank? due to the restrictions and delays on their import into the Gaza Strip.

• Policy on import of materials for infrastructure today: Permission granted exceptionally for the entrance of fewer than 100 trucks carrying spare parts and building materials; industrial diesel still limited to no more than 63% of need.

• Repercussions: 40,000 people have no electricity; 10,000 have no running water; power outages eight hours a day, four days a week for most areas; 87 million liters of untreated or partially treated sewage dumped into the sea daily for lack of electricity and spare parts.


• During the war: More than 1,000 factories, businesses and private sector institutions were damaged, at an estimated cost of $45 million.

• Policy on import of goods prior to the war: Just 25% of the demand for goods was met (2,500 trucks per month versus 10,400); fewer than 40 kinds of items permitted (versus some 4,000 prior to the closure); ban on import of raw materials for industry and on export.

• Policy on import of goods today: Just 25% of the demand for goods is met, permitting entrance of about 60 kinds of goods; ban on import of raw materials for industry and on export.

• Repercussions: Some 97% of factories have remained closed; 42.3% unemployment in the third quarter of 2009 (compared to 32.3% unemployment in June 2007); 80% of the population dependent on food aid.


• Policy on import of school supplies prior to the war: Banned, except for UNRWA schools.

• Policy on import of school supplies today: Banned, except for UNRWA schools.

Gaza: Retrospective of events

1948 Arab-Israeli War - Gaza Strip’s boundaries were defined by the 1949 Armistice and placed under Egyptian rule to be held in trust for a future Palestinian state.

1956 Suez-Sinai War - The Gaza Strip was occupied by Israel. A year later they withdrew their troops and a UN Emergency Force was placed in the Gaza Strip.

1967 War - Israel recaptured the Gaza Strip on June 5th. In November of the same year, UN Security Council called for the ‘withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict’.

1970 - The first settlement, Kfar Darom, was built in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli settlement movement continued to expand as did confrontations between settlers and Palestinians.

1987 - The first Palestinian Intifada and Hamas, an Islamic Resistance Movement, begin in Gaza. The Intifada comes to an end with the signing of the Oslo Accord and establishment of the PA in 1993.

2000 - The Camp David Summit renewed hopes for peace until Ariel Sharon’s visit to the al-Aqsa Mosque sparks the Second Intifada in September.

2005 –Ariel Sharon ‘disengages’ from the Gaza Strip in September – unilaterally and without consultation or coordination with the the Palestinian Authority. Though the settlers are gone, Israel maintains effective contol of the Strip.

2006 – Hamas wins the January Parliamentary Election by a landslide. Israel and the international community place sanctions on Palestine and withhold VAT. Tensions grow within Palestine between factions.

2007 -Violent clashes erupt between Fatah and Hamas in Gaza, resulting in Hamas securing control of the Strip. Egypt responds by sealing off the border.

2008 - On January 17th Israel sealed off the borders to Gaza following a rise in rocket attacks. They retain full control over the amount of medical supplies, food and fuel imported to the Gaza Strip by land or sea. In June 19th, Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire. As this goes to print, they are fighting again (Nov).

The Constant Crisis in Gaza

The Gaza Strip has been facing a humanitarian crisis ever since April of 2006, when border closings and the lack of foreign aid caused a severe shortage of fuel, foods and medical care. Gazans suffer shortages of essen-tial commodities and the rise in market prices has made it difficult for families to have an adequate, healthy and balanced diet.

The Karni crossing, which serves as the main conduit for commercial goods into Gaza, has been closed since June 13th, 2007. This has devastated the Gazan economy. ”In June 2007, there were 748 truckloads of ex-ports leaving Gaza for Israel and other countries. A month later there were none”.

In Gaza over 80% of Palestinians are now depending on foreign aid compared to 63% of 2006. Unem-ployment in Gaza is close to 40% and is set to rise to 50%. The private sector – that generates 53% of all jobs in Gaza is crumbling.

The health sector remains unstable as the severe lack of fuel causes power cuts. According to the July 2007,UNRWA Gaza Situation Report, primary and secondary health care facilities are still functioning de-spite shortages of electricity and supplies such as X-ray film, laboratory kits, patient beds and examination tables. However there are ongoing shortages of chronic disease drugs and anaesthetics, and a considerable portion of equipment and machines are out of order, overloading the remaining capacity of hospitals.

WHO reports that at least 51 people have died from October 2007-July 2008 as a direct result of not being able to access medical care outside Gaza – among these were 11 children.

The fuel shortage and the lack of spare parts required to repair and upgrade Gaza’s wastewater treatment plants have forced the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility to continue dumping approximately 84,000 m3 of raw and partially treated sewage into the Mediterranean Sea each day.

Connecting Gaza and the West

One of the most complex aspects of the peace process has always concerned the necessity for a link between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. A series of proposals and ideas have been floated. One suggesting a land corridor be-tween the two which would be ‘bought’ in landswaps with Israel coming from the West Bank; another a bridge; and still another suggests building a tunnel. The geographical complexities of the issue have kept negotiators and their advisors up at night.

What has kept the rest of us awake is the way in which the Gaza and the West Bank can be reunited politically and socially following the tragic schism of 2007. While the PA was at work preparing itself for negotiations on the geographic complexities, it quickly became clear that moving forward in the peace process with Israel hinged upon prior national reconciliation and the formation a national unity government.

Sporadically throughout 2008, attempts were made to bring the two major factions together, but it was not until the closing months of the year (as this goes to print) that there appeared to be any sort of breakthrough.

Reconciliation will not however make negotiations any easier. In fact, allow-ing Hamas any say in the process might cause Israel to reject them on the premise that the party are neither part of the PLO nor credible partners for peace.

Because of these conflicting realities, 2009 promises to be a very delicate year. The PLO and PA are now clinging to an emergency mandate that began in 2007. The legitimacy of the emergency government has been questioned throughout, but maintains its hold on power through the promise of being able to make tangible improvements in people’s lives by moving towards a negotiatied two-state settlement.

The inability to do so will increase support for Hamas. Furthermore, not co-opting Hamas into the process gives them immense power to disrupt prog-ress. Meanwhile the people of the West Bank and Gaza Strip drift further and further apart.

Ayman Abu Saleh

أيمن أبو صالح – معسكر دير البلح

قطاع غزة - فلسطين

Phone: +358 44 290 9535

E-Mail: absayman (at)

Skype: absayman

Google Talk: absayman