Olindo Isabella

Originario di Alife, ha studiato presso il Liceo Scientifico "G. Galilei" di Piedimonte Matese laureandosi poi in Ingegneria Elettronica presso l'Università "Federico II" di Napoli. Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca nei Paesi Bassi (Delft University of Technology - Facolty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science) specializzandosi in tecniche avanzate di gestione della luce attraverso sottili pellicole e celle solari.

È coautore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche tra le quali ricordiamo:

Advanced light management based on periodic textures for Cu (In Ga) Se 2 thin-film solar cells, (con AA. VV.), in «Optics express», 24, 6

Decoupled front/back dielectric textures for flat ultra-thin c-Si solar cells, (con Autori Vari), in «Optic Express» 24, 6, 2016, pp. 708-719

Organometallic halide perovskite / Barium Di-Silicide thin-film double-junction solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2016

Periodic and random substrate textures for liquid-phase crystallized silicon thin-film solar cells, (con AA. VV.), in «IEEE - Journal of Photovoltaics» ottobre 2016, pp, 1-6

Simplified process for high efficiency, self-aligned IBC c-Si solar cells combining ion implantation and epitaxial growth: Design and fabrication, in «Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells», 157, 2016, pp. 354-365

Solar energy: the phisics and engineering of photovoltaic conversion, technologies and systems, (con AA. VV.), 2016

A benchmarking study of the application of a distributed bragg reflector as back-reflector on N-pasha solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2015

A method for texturing a glass surface, (con AA. VV.), 2015

A novel way of texturing glass for microcrystalline silicon thin film solar cells application, (con AA. VV.), 2015

Fabrication of double-and triple-junction solar cells with hydrogenated amorphous silicon oxide (a-SiOx: H) top cell, (con AA. VV.), 2015

Optical analysis of CIGS solar cells on periodic gratings, (con AA. VV.), 2015

Solar powered infotainment spot: design, feasibility study and fabrication of an autonomous PV, (con AA. VV.), 2015

The need of electrically-aware approaches for advanced light management in (thin) c-Si solar, 2015

Thin-film photovoltaics 2014, (con AA.i VV.), «International Journal of Photoenergy», 2015

Accurate opto-electrical modeling of multi-crystalline silicon wafer-based solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2014

Designing nanotextures using perlin noise, the scalar scattering theory and the finite elements method, (con AA. VV.), 2014

Light trapping concepts for enhanced absorption in thin silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2014

Opto-electrical approaches for high efficiency and ultra-thin c-Si solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2014

Photonic and plasmonic structures for application in solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2014

Solar energy - Fundamentals, technology, and sistems, (con AA. VV), 2014

19.8% conversion efficiency in modulated surface textured IBC c-Si solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2014

Thin-film silicon solar cells on 1-D periodic gratings with nonconformal layers: optical analysis, (con AA. VV.),, 2013

Design and application of dielectric distributed Bragg back reflector in thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2012

Full-waye opto-electrical modeling of optimized flattened light-scattering substrate for high efficiency thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2012

3-D optical modeling of single and multi-juncion thin-film silicon solar cells on gratings, (con AA. VV.), 2012

3-D optical modeling of thin-film silicon solar cells on diffraction gratings, (con AA. VV.), 2012

Advanced optical modeling of thin-film silicon solar cells with 1-D periodic gratings, (con AA. VV.), 2011

Design and application of dielectric distributed Bragg back reflector in thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2011

Extraction of physical properties of surface textured transparent conductive oxides using variable angle spectroscopy, (con AA. VV.), 2011

Modeling of advanced light trapping approaches in thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2011

Modulated surface-textured substrates with high haze: From concept to application in th thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2011

Advanced light trapping in thin-film silicon cells, (con AA. VV.), 2010

Modeling and optimization of white paint reflectors for thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2010

Modulated surface textures using zinc-oxide films cells applications, (con AA. VV.), 2010

Modulated surface textures for enhanced light trapping in thin-film solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2010

Optimal design of period surface texture for thin-film a Si:H solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2010

Photonic crystals back reflectors in thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2009

Controlled texturing of thin-film silicon solar cell substrates, (con AA. VV.), 2008

Diffraction gratings for light trapping in thin-film silicon solar cells, (con AA. VV.), 2008