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For all overweight and obese patients

An office-based program with involvement of multiple staff members, including the physician, is more effective.

Some tips to make your office a more supportive environment:

  • Obese-friendly office

  • Clear goal setting with physician

  • Presentation of information in multiple ways over time

  • Supportive interactions from staff, other patients

  • Follow-up for accountability

Other Options for Weight Loss

  • Electro acupuncture (EA)

  • Surgery

When to Use Pharmaceuticals or Supplements

  • If BMI > 27 with 2 co-morbidities or risk factors or BMI > 30 with no co-morbidities, consider Orlistat or Sibutramine

  • Ask ALL patients about supplement use; Green tea may be promising

  • Check evolving evidence on all weight loss aids; Maintain patient safety

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