Prepare and Consent

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There are certain things that you should consider and discuss with your patient prior to performing an EMB, including:

  • Contraindications

    • Absolute: Pregnancy

    • Relative: Cervicitis or endometritis

    • Cervical cancer

    • Coagulopathy

  • The indications for the procedure.

  • Consider the timing of the procedure.

  • Consider the use of anesthesia.

  • SBE prophylaxis is not indicated prior to EMB.

Informed Consent

If you have considered the above points, you are prepared to help your patient with signing an informed consent document (PDF) for the procedure.

As with all procedures, informed consent should review indications, contraindications and potential complications of the procedure. Potential complications are reviewed in a future section, but briefly include: inadequate specimen, discomfort, bleeding, infection, uterine perforation and fainting.

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