Dealing with Vaginal Dryness

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For menopausal women suffering from vaginal dryness, effective treatments include:

  • Avoid substances that dry mucous membranes such as:

    • Antihistamines

    • Alcohol

    • Caffeine

    • Diuretics

  • Stay hydrated

  • Wear natural fiber clothes

  • Use lubrication during intercourse

  • Consider intravaginal estriol or estradiol (consider monitoring levels with serum or saliva testing if using)

  • Estriol can be found only at compounding pharmacies and is used in dose of 500 micrograms in a 0.01% or 0.1% cream; initial treatment may be given once daily, then reduced to twice each week. Long-standing use of higher doses may necessitate progesterone use for endometrial protection.

  • Estradiol comes in numerous prescription formulations.

  • Zestra brand botanical feminine massage oil can be helpful for many women.

  • Estriol is not currently FDP approved for use in humans and only pharmacies that have an FDA-sanctioned investigational new drug application may compound drugs containing estriol.

  • Long-standing use of higher doses may necessitate progesterone use for endometrial protection

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