Guidelines for Engagement

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Use these guidelines to attract and retain group participation. As the leader, you should:

  • Be on time

  • Honor the absent

  • Criticize ideas not people

  • Be open to new ideas

  • Do not interrupt

  • Listen to understand

  • Stay present

  • Balance participation

Here are some things to consider in more detail:

  • Review the agenda and objectives for the meeting. Ask participants if there are necessary additions or changes to the agenda.

  • Work the agenda by focusing on one item at a time. Keep to the time limit on the agenda. If the item requires more discussion or additional information decide if the agenda needs to be adjusted to allow for more discussion, or if the agenda item should be continued at a future meeting.

  • Move through the entire agenda keeping to the agreed timeframes adjusting the agenda when necessary based on group input.

  • Summarize at the end of each agenda item the action, decision or next step and if there is additional work or action to be taken who has responsibility. Also note specific timeframe for action to occur.

  • At the close of the meeting summarize the next steps, and review actions and timeframes. Clarify the date, time, and location of future meetings.

    • The meeting should close with a meeting critique focused on opportunities for improving future meeting effectiveness. This can be accomplished by asking participants to reflect and comment on the following questions below, either at the end of the meeting or by email after the meeting. The method should be used to improve future meeting effectiveness. If issues are identified that involve one or two people individual follow up and discussion outside of the actual meeting time is best for follow up.

    • What went well in today's meeting?

    • What are the opportunities for improvement?

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