Osgood Schlatter

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What is it? Osgood Schlatter is an osteochondrosis of the tibial tuberosity where the patellar tendon attaches. It is due to recurrent mechanical stressors on the tibial tuberosity apophysis during periods of rapid growth. It usually occurs in girls between the ages of 10 to 12, and in boys between the ages 13 to15.

How does it present? Pain over the tibial tuberosity with activity and sports.

Common exam findings: You will often find tenderness and prominence of the tibial tuberosity. The patients may also have some associated tight hamstrings and quadriceps muscles.

Tests and treatment: No x-rays or imaging is necessary. If x-rays are done, you may see some irregularity at the tibial tuberosity. Treatment includes hamstring and quadriceps stretching and modification of activity to tolerance.

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