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  • Which non-pharmaceutical approaches have proven beneficial in the treatment of depression (i.e., exercise, nutrition, herbs/supplements, psychological therapy, relaxation therapy, light therapy).

  • The indications and contraindications for use of exercise, nutrition, herbs/supplements, psychological therapy, relaxation therapy, and light therapy in the treatment of depression.

  • The advantages/disadvantages of using non-pharmaceutical treatments in the treatment of patients with depression.

  • How to determine the proper non-pharmaceutical prescription and/or dosage for treatment of mild to moderate depression.

  • The side effects linked to several commonly-used treatments for depression.

  • How to locate resources to support patient use of integrative therapies for depression.


  • Access evidence-based information regarding the use of integrative therapies in the treatment of depression.

  • Apply knowledge of integrative treatments for depression to a clinical scenario.

Attitudes – Professionalism

  • Remain open to prescribing non-pharmaceutical treatments for depression in addition to, or instead of, antidepressant medication for patients with mild to moderate depression.

  • Demonstrate openness to the idea that non-pharmaceutical treatments for depression can offer safe and effective treatment to some patients suffering from mild to moderate depression.

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