Homeopathic Remedies

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Homeopathic remedies employ the subtle energy of a chosen substance to stimulate a healing response in the patient. Original investigations of the substances used for a remedy involved "proving" their applicability. A potent, full-strength dose was given to volunteers who noted with great detail all physical and mental symptoms of what would be considered an overdose of the substance. In homeopathy, these symptoms form the basis of selecting a particular remedy for a condition. The symptoms are matched with the provings, hence the fundamental theory of homeopathy is "similar cures." For example, a common headache remedy would cause a headache if given in full potency.

Remedies are prepared by successively diluting the substance in purified ethanol. Commonly, lactose beads are coated with the final concentration of diluted substance. Typically, dilutions of 1:100 are used and denoted as "C." A 30C concentration has been diluted 1:100 thirty successive times (10 to the 60th power), effectively diluting the starting substance out. Occasionally dilutions of 1:10 are used (denoted as "X").

Theoretically, the final dilutions carry the "energy" of the starting substance. This energy interacts with the patient's healing system to focus energy on healing the particular symptoms selected.

There is considerable controversy about the effectiveness of the homeopathic approach. At its worst it may give a placebo response. In many studies, the effects have been statistically superior to placebo (13).

Specific Remedies

Generally 30C dilutions are suggested. Usual dosing: 4-6 globules beneath tongue every 4-6 hours as needed. Avoid food and water for 15-30 minutes before and after. Avoid strong tastes and smells, e.g., coffee and mint.

  • Belladonna: Violent throbbing pain, heat.

  • Bryonia: Aggravated with motion.

  • Nux Vomica: Irritability and after indulgences in intoxicants or overwork.

  • Pulsitilla: Especially with nausea and menstrual migraines.

  • Gelsemium: Begins at back of head, muscle contraction headaches.

  • Iris: Preceded by visual symptoms.

  • Sanguinaria: Radiates from back of neck to right eye; knife-like pain.

  • Spigelia: Stitching, burning, pulsing migraines especially at front of head.

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