Relaxation Response

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Counteracting Stress

Induction of the relaxation response to counteract stress is a critical component of all mind-body therapies. The relaxation response consists of internal metabolic processes that become activated when the parasympathetic branch of the ANS becomes more engaged, offsetting the sympathetic functions. Respiratory, endocrine and metabolic actions along with brain wave activity slow down.

The relaxation response also refers to a specific technique developed by Herbert Benson, M.D., to induce these physiologic changes and relaxation state. To induce the relaxation response technique, two mental components are necessary:

  • Repetition of word, sound, prayer to provide a focus for the mind to dwell.

  • Maintenance of a passive non-judgmental attitude towards the intrusion of thoughts.

Learn to teach this simple Relaxation Response Technique to your patients.

(Stephen Poff, August 6th 2008 - Leave a Little Room In Your Heart,

flickr. CC: BY-NC-ND 2.0.)

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