Appendix II

Appendix II offers brief introductions and linked resources for learning more about meditation techniques. Click on the the links below for demonstrations and information about resources for patients and physicians.

Now that you have learned about various types of meditation techniques, you can return to the main part of the module.

There are many, many different types of meditation techniques that are popular here in the United States and around the world, but patients are often daunted by the concept of meditation or feel that they cannot sit still long enough to make the practice work. Those who have grown up in Western culture are usually not used to the concept of slowing down even though many patients will admit that stress and busy-ness adversely affects their health. Skeptical but interested patients can be invited to start with meditation for just a few minutes per day. If they appreciate the benefits and feel a difference in their lives, they will gradually expand the amount of time they spend practicing a meditative technique.

(h.koppdelaney, Timeless Bliss Timeless, flickr. CC: BY-ND 2.0. Obtained on June 22, 2009.)