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  • Identify the purpose of the meeting, determine the specific objectives for the meeting.

  • Make sure the right people will be in attendance. Delegate coordination of scheduling of multiple individuals to administrative assistant if available.

  • Assign roles: chair, facilitator, recorder.

  • Schedule meeting time, place, and set duration.

  • Develop the agenda (include attendee's in this process whenever possible). Determine which format and techniques for discussion and problem solving will be incorporated.

  • Prepare necessary materials, handouts, delegate when appropriate.

  • Verify meeting room has appropriate set up, equipment, capacity, and refreshments if applicable.

  • Be sure participants receive a copy of the tentative agenda and are informed of any preparation or materials they may be asked to provide.

  • Agree on ground rules, or follow previously established ground rules.

  • Use consensus-building decision making techniques.

  • Facilitate discussion to manage conflict as it surfaces.

  • Specify "next steps" and assignments.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting.

  • Distribute minutes to document topics covered and assigned tasks, and to communicate process to members not present or other interested parties.

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