Types of Depression

The links below provide some basic background.

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Obviously, not every patient has the same level of depression, and most integrative medicine (IM) therapies have evidence to suggest they are effective in mild to moderate depression, not necessarily in severe depression.


  • Mild depression: Meets the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) but without loss of day-to-day function

  • Moderate depression: Begins to interfere with daily activities and job or school status

  • Severe depression: Includes significant loss of daily functioning abilities and can include psychotic or catatonic symptoms as well

Keep in mind that many IM therapies have proven efficacy in mild to moderate depression. This does not mean, however, that IM therapies cannot provide an important adjunct to more conventional therapies in severe depression. This is especially important if patient and physician think of healing depression as a journey utilizing multiple treatment modalities for optimal effect.