Stress Management

(Moyan Brenn, Meditation, flickr, CC: BY 2.0)

Stress management can have a significant effect on both reducing how bothersome symptoms are to women and decreasing or eliminating the symptoms entirely (Zaboroska 2007).

Mindfulness has been shown to improve quality of life, improve sleep quality, and decrease perceived stress (Carmody 2011)

Yoga and meditation showed improvement in overall menopausal symptoms scores in postmenopausal breast ca patients in small RCT of 40 women and a slightly older meta-analysis showed improvement in overall menopausal symptom scores (Cramer 2015, Cramer 2012)

Ways in which women can learn to better manage stress include:

Read on in this unit to learn about the use of bioidentical hormones in the treatment of menopause symptoms.

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