Haglund Deformity

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What is it: Hagland's deformity is a bony prominence on the posterior portion of the calcaneous close to the insertion of the Achilles tendon. When this is irritated the overlying bursa and soft tissue can get inflamed. This is also known as the "pump bump."

How does it present: Patients present with complaints of pain and swelling of the posterior heel.

Common exam findings: A prominent "bump" may be present around the area of the Achilles tendon insertion. The area may be tender to palpation or errythematous.

Tests and treatment: X-rays may be used to rule out significant bony abnormalities. Treatment is generally conservative with measures to avoid shoe contact to this area with shoe modifications and padding. Sometimes stretching, orthotics or heel lifts can assist in alleviating symptoms. In rare cases surgery may be indicated.

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