Low-Carbohydrate Diet

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Carbohydrates contribute < 20-30g/day. These diets are higher in protein. Examples include the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet.


12 recent studies (n=13 to n=160)

  • Weight loss ranges from 2kg - 10kg (4.4 - 20lbs.)

  • Decreases seen in glucose, HgbA1C, triglycerides, and total cholesterol to HDL ratios

  • General observations

    • Better retention in studies

    • Patients experience less perceived hunger than on low fat diets

How to interpret this research

Previous concerns about adverse affects of low-carbohydrate diets seem to be unfounded. Patients tend to stay on the diets and potentially can lose a significant amount of weight (20lbs. is 10% of a 200lb. person's body weight).

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