Post-Procedure Patient Instructions

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Advise the patient on routine wound care instructions:

  • Call for fever, significant bleeding, drainage of pus, excessive scrotal swelling or pain.

  • Mild pain and swelling will resolve within seven days.

  • Acetaminophen or a NSAID may be used as needed.

Post-procedure instructions specific to vasectomy:

  • Apply an ice pack to the scrotum for 20-30 minutes at a time every few hours for the first 24 hours after surgery to reduce swelling.

  • Continue to use the athletic support strap, or tight-fitting underwear, for the next 24-48 hours, or longer if the patient desires.

  • Rest with legs elevated as much as possible for the first 24 hours after surgery.

  • No strenuous activity or lifting more than ten pounds for the first five to seven days.

  • No sexual activity for the first five to seven days.

  • Remain off work for the rest of the day of the procedure and the next day.

  • Scrotal hematoma is more likely to occur if these instructions are not followed.

Discuss confirmation of sterility:

  • The patient is not immediately sterile after the procedure! It is essential to remind him of this!

  • Advise the use of alternate methods of birth control until two semen samples are negative.

  • Provide the patient with two specimen bottles for semen samples.

  • Collect samples as indicated below.

    • Sample #1: Six weeks AND 15 ejaculations after the procedure.

    • Sample #2: Twelve weeks after the procedure.

    • Bring samples to the lab in the office within two hours of collection.

A post-procedure instruction sheet should be given to the patient (.doc).

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