Anatomy of Dorsal Penile Nerves

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The dorsal penile nerves run just lateral to the dorsal penile arteries at about between 1:30 and 2:00 o'clock on the infant's left, and about between 10:00 and 10:30 o'clock on the right. The dorsal nerves come from deep within the subpubic fat and become superficial on the base of the shaft of the penis. They start to ramify about 1cm distal to the base of the shaft as they course along to innervate the majority of the penis.

In this image: Drawing 1. Cross section of the penis showing location of dorsal nerves and needle placement.

The goal of the dorsal penile nerve block is to inject at the base of the penis before the dorsal nerves ramify (and become difficult to block) and avoid injecting too proximally in the pubic fat where the dorsal nerves are too deep to reach.

In this image: Drawing 2. Showing injection site at the base of the penis.

In this image: A top view of the dorsal penile nerves.

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