Documentation of the Hip Exam

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This may be used as a template or example of what you may want to include in the documentation of your hip exam. See below to download a PDF version of the documentation for printing.


Documentation of gait, stature, symmetry. (Absence/presence) of ecchymosis, swelling, deformity or defect, scoliosis, lordosis, paravertebral muscle spasm.

Range of motion of the Lumbar spine and hip:

Flexion to (xx degrees or full), extension, lateral flexion, and rotation of lumbar spine. Hip internal and external rotation, flexion and extension, passive and active and check resisted strength. (Evidence/no evidence) of leg length discrepancy.


(Tenderness/no tenderness) to palpation of specific areas or landmarks (such as abdomen, inguinal exam, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, iliac crest, symphysis pubis, lumbar spine, sacroiliac joints, posterior superior iliac spine, gluteal and piriformis muscles, sciatic notch, ischial tuberosity, addictor tubercle of proximal femor, greater trochanter of the femor, iliotibial band and tensor fascia lata).

Specific Testing:

(Positive/Negative) Trendelenberg test, (Positive/Negative) Standing Flexion test (Positive/Negative ) Seated Flexion test. (Positive/Negative) Stork test. (Tenderness/no tenderness) with Fulcrum test. (Tenderness/no tenderness) with Femoral Log Roll or Heel Strike test. (Positive/Negative) Straight Leg Raise test. Range of Hamstring flexibility.(Positive/Negative) Thomas test, (Positive/Negative) Faber (Patrick's) test, (Positive/Negative) Piriformis Test, (Positive/Negative) Ely's test, (Positive/Negative) Ober's test.

Neurovascular Exam:

Document dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses and capillary refill. Sensory exam.

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