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Following the performance of an EMB, a procedure note should be entered into the patient's medical record which includes the following information:

  • Date and time

  • Summary of informed consent and location of the informed consent document

  • Findings on bimanual pelvic exam and insertion of the speculum

  • Summary of the steps of the procedure which were performed, especially any omissions or additions to the usual process

  • Sounding depth and quantity of specimen

  • Specimen sent in formalin for pathologic examination

  • Any complications and the condition of the patient on completion of the procedure

  • Expected followup

A procedure note could look something like this:

Ms. B is a 51-year-old female who is one year post menopause and began experiencing vaginal spotting approximately two weeks ago. She is taking no exogenous hormones.

After discussion of indications and alternative procedure, informed written consent was signed (see copy in chart).


  • Abdomen non-tender, no masses. External genitalia, vaginal wall and cervix without abnormality, pap smear performed. Bimanual exam reveals a six-week size, non-tender, mid-plain uterus, without adnexal mass or tenderness.


  • Speculum reinserted, cervix cleansed with betadine, attempt at passage of Pipelle failed. Tenaculum placed on anterior cervix, attempt at passage of Pipelle failed, uterus sounded to 7cm. Pipelle then was successfully passed to 7cm with moderate sized specimen obtained and placed in formalin. Tenaculum removed and pressure applied with cotton ball and ring forceps until hemostasis achieved.


  • Abnormal uterine bleeding.


  • Pap smear and endometrial sample sent for path, we will call patient with results when available. Usual post procedure warnings and aftercare instructions reviewed. Patient discharged in good condition.

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