Iliotibial Band Syndrome

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What is it? Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a pain syndrome caused by chronic irritation of the iliotibial band rubbing over the bony prominence of the lateral femoral condyle.

How does it present? Patient usually present with pain over the lateral part of the knee. They may also experience a popping sensation. Running on sloped surfaces is usually aggravating and pain may come on at a consistent time after starting activity.

Common exam findings: Patients with foot pronation or varus alignment of the knee may be more prone to ITBS. Tenderness may be elicited over the lateral femoral condyle one to two centimeters above the lateral joint line. A tight iliotibial band may be seen on Ober's Test. Pain may be elicited on Noble's Test.

Tests and treatment: No specific radiographic studies are necessary. Treatment is aimed at iliotibial band stretching and rehabilitation. Conservative measures such as icing and occasionally steroid injection can be considered.

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