Documentation of Exam

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This may be used as a template or example of what you may want to include in the documentation of your knee exam. See below for the PDF of the Documentation for printing.


Documentation of Gait, stature. (Absence/presence) of knee effusion, ecchymosis, swelling, deformity or defect.

Range of motion of the knee:

Flexion to (xx degrees or full). Extension to (xx degrees or full)


(Tenderness/no tenderness) to palpation of (specific areas or landmarks)

Specific Testing:

(Positive/Negative) patellar grind, (Positive/Negative) patellar inhibition, (Positive/Negative) patellar apprehension, Patellar tracking (normal/abnormal)

(Tenderness/no tenderness) over MCL. (Laxity/no laxity) of the MCL with valgus at 0 degrees, 30 degrees

(Tenderness/no tenderness) over LCL (Laxity/no laxity) of the LCL with varus at 0 degrees, 30 degrees

(Positive/Negative) Anterior drawer, (Positive/Negative) posterior drawer, (Positive/Negative) Lachman and (Positive/Negative) PCL sag test

(Positive/Negative) Medial or lateral joint line tenderness, (Positive/Negative) McMurray's, (Positive/Negative) Apley's Compression Grind, (Positive/Negative)Bounce test (Positive/Negative) Noble's test

(Positive/Negative) Ober's test

Neurovascular exam:

Document dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses and capillary refill time. Sensory exam.

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