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Since you have now completed the unit, let us summarize a few key points:

  • You have learned that nulliparous and multiparous women at low risk for STIs who desires long term contraception are good candidates for IUD use.

  • The IUD is a safe, highly-effective, reversible, low-maintenance method of contraception.

  • The most common side effects are cramping and spotting at the time of IUD insertion, and the risks of expulsion and menstrual irregularities happen within the first few months of use.

  • The progestin and copper-releasing IUDs differ slightly in their potential side effects and the duration of use.

  • You may want to review the sections of this site that outline the General Insertion Technique or you may want to review the insertion techniques for both the Copper-Releasing (Paragard) and Progestin-Releasing (Mirena) IUDs.

  • After completing the procedure, remember to document a negative pregnancy test and the depth of the uterine cavity.

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