Mechanism of Action

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Brain Hemisphere Theory and Function

The left hemisphere is associated with:

  • Thinking

  • Analysis

  • Linear tasks

  • Logic

  • Judgment

  • Problem-solving

  • Sequential tasks

When the "left brain" is stimulated, biochemicals associated with stress are released, e.g., cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine.

The right hemisphere is associated with:

  • Sensing

  • Perceiving

  • Feeling/Emotions

  • Apprehending

  • Empathizing

  • Creativity

  • "The 30,000-foot View"

When the "right brain" is stimulated, biochemicals associated with healing, calming or stress relief are released, e.g., serotonin, melatonin.

The right brain is the portal for images, and the goal of guided imagery is to activate the right brain to unleash this shower of serotonin and the healing, soothing biochemicals that help the body in ways previously described.

In essence, guided imagery helps the user to give the potentially anxious "judge" the slip by:

  • Sidestepping the logical, analytical centers of the brain

  • Bypassing psychological resistance, fear, hopelessness, worry and doubt

  • Grabbing foothold on attitude and self-esteem

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