Olecrenon Bursitis

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What is it: Olecrenon bursitis is a swelling of the bursa sac that is located on the posterior elbow.

How does it present: Patients will often present with a painless swelling on their posterior elbow. Occasionally it may be mildly tender. They may remember a specific inciting trauma to the area, but often it is caused by repetitive minor traumas to the posterior elbow.

Common exam findings: On exam you can palpate the swelling on the posterior elbow. You want to make sure there is not significant warmth or errythema or evidence of cellulits that would make you concerned for a septic bursitis.

Tests and treatment: No specific tests are required to make the diagnosis. Treatment is generally conservative with protection of the area with elbow pads and avoiding the inciting trauma. In some cases, aspiration and compression may be considered. If you are concerned about a septic bursitis, a consultation with orthopedics would be indicated.

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