Lysis of Residual "Adhesions"

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Remove any remaining "adhesions" with the blunt probe.

In this image: The physician uses a blunt probe to remove residual "adhesions."

  • Make sure the corona is fully exposed 360°.

  • Place the blunt probe in the sulcus just proximal to the corona to help break up often subtle "adhesions."

  • Dab off any excess blood with a sterile gauze sponge as necessary.

  • Check the ventral area where "adhesions" are often present on the glans and corona. For a good, symmetrical circumcision, these must be removed. Avoid damaging the frenulum. Remember, the frenulum starts at or below the corona.

  • There is no frenulum on the glans. What appears as "frenulum" on the ventral glans is really only "adhesions" that haven't been lyzed yet.

In this image: Avoid damaging the frenulum when removing the "adhesions."

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