Meeting Planning

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There are different reasons for having a meeting. Usually people meet to accomplish one or more of the following goals.

  • Information exchange

  • Consensus building

  • Consciousness raising

  • Education

  • Generating ideas/options

  • Problem solving

  • Task completion

  • Relationship building

The first step is to determine why you are meeting. The following questions will help you determine the need for the meeting.

  • What needs to be discussed?

  • What needs to be accomplished?

  • Do people need to be in the same room to discuss?

  • Can the discussion be handled electronically (e.g., remote video conferencing using a web-based platform) or by phone?

Once you have established a clear purpose for the meeting, the next step is to determine what must be done during the meeting to accomplish the desired outcome.

  • What are the major topics to be discussed?

  • What is the specific desired action (discussion, decision, awareness, problem solving, idea generation, assignment, etc.)?

  • How much time is needed for each topic?

  • Do you need to expand ideas? If so what process would be useful (brainstorming, visioning, etc.)?

  • Do you need to cull out best alternatives? If so what process would be useful (ranking, cost-benefit analysis, force field analysis, etc.)

  • Do you need to solve a particular problem? If so, what process would be the most useful?

  • Do you need a decision? If so, how will decisions be made (consensus or majority vote)?

  • Who needs to present the agenda item?

  • Who needs to be present to participate in the meeting to achieve the outcomes?

After thinking through the above questions you are ready to create the meeting agenda.

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