Clarifying Terminology

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Patients, physicians and other health care professionals use various terms to refer to Mind-Body Therapies (MBT). Since you will be communicating with these different audiences, it is helpful for you to become familiar with different lexicons.

Review the MBT terms in the following section, Common Mind-Body Terms.

MBTs are also classified differently by various bodies of research. As you read studies that will inform you of treatment recommendations, it is important to keep in mind what particular MBTs are included that refer to these general terms.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), an institute of the NIH, includes a variety of MBTs in their classification framework, including prayer.

Review information about using prayer as a MBT in the following section, Prayer in NCCAM Classification Scheme.

Please visit the NCCAM website to access additional information on MBTs and other complementary interventions. Additional advice can be found there to help your patients select reputable providers.

(One Way Stock, Question Mark Yield Sign, flickr. CC: BY-ND 2.0.)

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