Science Behind Mind-Body Therapies

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The mechanism of action underlying the use of Mind-Body Therapies (MBTs) is grounded in the scientific field of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), that sees the body as a complex integrated circuit of communication between the brain, immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems.

Since receptors for neurotransmitters of our experiences - thoughts, perceptions, and emotions - are found in nerve endings and cells throughout our body, we experience the effects of our mind throughout our physiology.

MBTs are theorized to facilitate positive health outcomes by:

  • Counteracting the ill effects of the stress response

  • Inducing relaxation

  • Restoring allostasis in our body

Mind-body approaches provide the opportunity for emergence and release of negative emotions and beliefs held outside our conscious awareness. This release engages a new repetoire of physiological and behavioral response and regulation.