Conflict Management

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A well-planned and well-managed meeting reduces the chances of meeting conflict. However, conflict can, and often does, occur. The most common reaction to meeting conflict is avoidance. Avoidance does not help resolve the conflict and can cause it to deepen, and the situation frequently gets worse.

Effective Ways to Manage Meeting Conflict

  • Make the conflict explicit by clarifying what the conflict is about

  • Frame the conflict in the context of a problem to be solved

  • Determine if the conflict needs to be addressed before moving on with the meeting agenda or at another time

  • Determine what participants need to solve the problem (data, information, etc.)

  • Affirm the validity of all viewpoints

  • Facilitate participant’s expression of Interest versus

  • Position by asking why the participant holds their position. What is behind their thinking?

  • Listen for polarization and redirect participants on identifying their interest

  • Have participants develop options to meet the different interest expressed

  • If complete agreement is not achieved, identify where there is agreement and determine if the group can move forward with the areas of agreement

  • Use consensus based decision making to get to resolution. Keep in mind this does not mean all will be at the same level of agreement or enthusiasm, but all can live with the outcome and will agree to actively support the outcome

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