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After completing this both units, you should be able to achieve the following objectives:


Unit I

  • To know the indications and contraindications to neonatal circumcision with penile nerve block analgesia

  • To know the risks and potential benefits of the procedure

Unit II

  • To understand a correct procedure to perform penile nerve block analgesia and adjunctive measures for pain control

  • To understand a correct and safe method for performing neonatal circumcision with a Gomco clamp

  • To understand the common mistakes made in neonatal circumcision and how to avoid them

  • To know how to counsel the parents in proper postoperative care of the circumcised penis


Unit I

  • To select the appropriate points to highlight when explaining potential benefits and risks of neonatal circumcision to parents as part of the consenting process

Unit II

  • To properly organize the steps required to correctly perform a penile nerve block analgesia

  • To properly organize the steps required to correctly perform a neonatal circumcision with a Gomco clamp

  • To apply knowledge of penile nerve block analgesia and neonatal circumcision to a clinical scenario

Attitudes and Professionalism:

Unit I

  • To appreciate the importance of properly consenting parents prior to performing neonatal circumcision

Unit II

  • To demonstrate confidence in applying knowledge of penile nerve block analgesia and neonatal circumcision to a clinical skills application

  • To appreciate the subtle details in correctly performing penile nerve block analgesia and neonatal circumcision

  • To appreciate the potential problems in performing a neonatal circumcision

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