Mallet Toe

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What is it: A mallet toe is a toe deformity that has a flexion deformity of the DIP joint.

How does it present: Patients may present with noticing this deformity. Others may present due to pain associated with the deformity. Due to the position of the toe, calluses can develop from poor fitted shoes.

Common exam findings: On exam you may see the deformity as described above and may notice the calluses. In this deformity, calluses usually develop over the dorsum of the DIP joint or distal end of the toe.

Tests and treatment: No specific studies are needed for diagnosis. First line treatment involves shoe modification to provide ample toe box space to prevent rubbing and pressure on the deformity. Protective cushions can be used over prominent areas. For deformities that are still flexible, taping or commercial-made splints may be used to reposition the toe. If conservative measures fail to manage symptoms, surgical correction may be indicated.

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