Drugs and Routes to Avoid

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Although there are many exceptions, the following information describes drugs and medication-delivery routes that should be avoided in hospice and palliative care settings.

Drug: Meperidine

  • Very low potency when give orally. Active metabolite, normeperidine, accumlates in diminished renal function. May precipitate seizures, confusion, and tremors.

Drug: Mixed agonist-antagonist (e.g., pentazocine)

  • No more potent than codeine. High incidence of hallucinations and agitation (30% in cancer patients). Inhibits analgesia of morphine.


  • No more potent than acetaminophen. Active metabolites, norpropoxyphene, accumulates in diminished renal function. May precipitate seizures, confusion, dizziness, cardiotoxicity, and respiratory depression.

Routes: IM Injections

  • Morphine, 30mg, PO is as potent as 10mg IM/SC. Avoid the pain and expense of IM injections with PO or SL morphine. If a patient cannot tolerate anything PO, start an SC infusion or give slow-release morphine tablets rectally.

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