Hip Osteoarthritis

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What is it? Hip osteoarthritis is a degenerative arthritis characterized by progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint.

How does it present? The patient may present with pain in the hip or pain referred to the knee. Associated symptoms include increased pain with activities, decreased range of motion of the hip and stiffness, worse in the morning and after inactivity.

Common exam findings: Exam of the hip may show decreased range of motion and pain with internal and external rotation.

Tests and treatment: Hip x-rays are usually used to make the diagnosis. Treatment includes lifestyle modifications such as losing weight, and minimizing aggravating activities such as high impact sports or repetitive bending. Low impact or aquatic exercises and working on improving range of motion and flexibility can help improve function. Some patients may benefit from supportive devices such as canes or walkers. Icing may be used to help with pain as can several prescription and non prescription pain relievers. Corticosteroid injections can be considered. Surgical options may also be considered.

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