Achilles Tendon Rupture

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What is it: Achilles tendon rupture is a full thickness tear of the Achilles tendon.

How does it present: The injury generally presents acutely with a "pop" and sharp pain in the area of the Achilles tendon when it ruptures. The pain is often described as a feeling like being kicked or cut in the heel. The rupture often occurs during the push off phase of running or jumping.

Common exam findings: The patient may have ecchymosis and swelling of the posterior calf or a deficit of the tendon may be appreciated. They may have difficulty with ankle plantarflexion or the Thompson's Test may be positive.

Tests and treatment: A musculoskeletal ultrasound or MRI may be needed to visualize the tendon. If a tear is suspected the patient should be immobilized in a plantarflexed posterior leg splint. Surgical repair is often indicated, however nonoperative treatment consisting of serial casting in the plantarflexed position is an option in some cases.

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