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What is it: Metatarsalgia is a term used to describe pain at the metatarsalphalangeal joint, usually caused by a joint synovitis.

How does it present: The patient usually presents with pain over the metatarsal heads. Pain is usually worse with increased weight bearing or activity and may have been preceded by a change in activities. The pain usually occurs during the push off phase of walking or running when the majority of force is transmitted through the metatarsal head region.

Common exam findings: The exam usually shows tenderness over the metatarsal heads. Associated findings may be a morton’s toe (a second toe that is longer than the great toe), a hammer toe, or pes cavus (high-arched foot).

Tests and treatment: No specific tests are needed for the diagnosis of metatarsalgia. X-rays may be done to evaluated for bony abnormalities. Treatment is usually conservative with reduction in weight bearing activities, wearing of a metatarsal pad, and sometimes taping methods are used.

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