Things to Remember

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  • Always check for placental location.

  • Always make sure you are placing the IUPC in between the cervix and the fetal head (make sure of your presenting part), otherwise it could easily curl up in the upper vaginal fornix.

  • Check for 'flashback' of amniotic fluid, which may be blood tinged (which is not a cause for worry). This indicates that you are in the amniotic space.

  • If no flashback and you are fairly certain you have placed it correctly, try flushing with saline as amniotic membrane could be covering the IUPC tip.

  • If you feel resistance while placing IUPC, stop and reassess your position.

  • Be cautious placing these instruments in patients with unknown Hepatitis B or HIV status, or those with GBS positivity.

  • REMEMBER, if you do not feel comfortable or have questions, GET HELP!

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