Atkins Diet

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The Atkins Diet is designed to promote weight loss not by concentrating on fat or portion size but rather on metabolism. Dieters initially eliminate all but 20 grams of carbohydrate from their daily diet in the first phase, called Induction, causing the body to burn off fat rather than carbohydrates for energy. The program advertises weight loss of up to 15 pounds in these initial two weeks. Users then progress through three more phases, "ongoing weight loss," "pre-maintenance," and "lifetime maintenance," during which limited carbohydrates are gradually reintroduced into the diet. Dieters enjoy the rapid weight loss and unlimited protein-rich and high fat foods. However, this diet is very limiting and restricts many important nutrients. Additionally, dieters often consume high levels of saturated fats. The long-term effects of such high protein and fat on the body are unknown (24).

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