Lateral Epicondylitis

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What is it: Lateral epicondylitis is an overuse injury of the wrist extensors resulting in degenerative injury at their attachment at the lateral epicondyle.

How does it present: Patients usually present with pain over the lateral elbow. It is usually brought on by activities that require repetitive wrist extension. It is also called "tennis elbow." In racquet sports, a handle that is too small or strings that are strung too tight may be contributing to the injury.

Common exam findings: On exam you may appreciate tenderness with palpation over the lateral epicondyle. Resisting wrist extension (view the Cozen's Test YouTube video) and third finger extension is likely to increase pain.

Tests and treatment: No specific tests are required to make the diagnosis. Treatment is generally conservative with modification of activity, resting, and icing. Splinting at the wrist to prevent repetitive wrist extension or counterforce bracing may be helpful. Physical therapy may also be helpful. In some cases steroid injection can be considered. In recalcitrant cases, surgery may need to be considered.

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