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One out of every two patients who comes to your office has probably used a mind-body practice for health promotion or stress-management in this past year. Mind-Body Therapies (MBTs) as defined by NCCAM has the highest usage of all CAM therapies based on the most recent population-based survey results published by the CDC with over 31,000 adults. This high prevalence rate may be somewhat of a misnomer, as the survey categorized both prayer and an energy healing technique, Reiki, as MBTs. With these therapies excluded, the prevalence drops to 17%, slightly behind the population use (19%) for natural products (i.e., herbs and dietary supplements).

Frequency of Use of Specific Therapies

Aside from prayer, patients report three MBTs they use more often than others. Of the choices below, which MBTs do you think have the highest population use?

  • Autogenics

  • Biofeedback

  • Deep Breathing

  • Guided Imagery

  • Hypnosis

  • Meditation

  • Tai Chi

  • Yoga

Learn to see if you were correct by clicking on this chart on MBT usage.