Indications and Contraindications

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Indications for direct measurement of fetal heart rate (FHR) include:

  • Inability to obtain adequate fetal heart tracing, could be secondary to maternal habitus (obesity) or frequent maternal movement

  • Confirmation of non-reassuring FHR tracing to allow for timely interventions

Requirements for the procedure include:

  • Rupture of membranes (spontaneous or artificial)

  • Engaged vertex or breech presenting part

  • Cervical dilatation of at least 1-2cm

  • Patient's ability to cooperate with sterile vaginal exam (SVE)

Contraindications to placement include:

  • Maternal infections: chorioamnionitis, HIV, Hepatitis B, C, D or E, active genital Herpes Simplex

    • Maternal or fetal clotting disorders

    • Gestational age less than 32 weeks

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