Chromium Piccolinate

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Chromium works to improve glucose uptake into the cells by affecting transport at the membrane. It has been shown to decrease HbA1C, serum blood sugar as well as insulin levels (1). Baseline levels, as with magnesium, are low in many with diabetes.

Chromium, like magnesium can be combined with different anions. The most common two are Chromium piccolinate and Chromium chloride. In the literature, the positive trials have tended to use piccolinate where as chloride studies have had negative results. This difference has been confirmed in further studies (2). Use of Chromium piccolinate has lead to a decrease in use or dose of other medications in randomized controlled trials (3). Caution should be used with initiation to closely follow glucose levels.

Chromium piccolinate is generally though of as safe. A common dosage is 200 mcg daily, although some go as high as 1000 mcg daily.

1. Anderson R, et al. Beneficial effects of chromium for people with type II diabetes. Diabetes 1996;45(suppl):124A.

2. Pruess HG, et al. Comparing metabolic effects of six different commercial trivalent chromium compounds. J Inorg Biochem, 2008, Jul 31.

3. Ravina A, et al. Clinical use of the trace element chromium (III) in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. J Trace Elements Exp Med. 1995; 8(3):183-190.

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