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1. Abelow BJ, Holford TR, Insogna KL. Cross-cultural association between dietary animal protein and hip fracture: A hypothesis. Calcif Tissue Int, 50(1):14-8, 1992.

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16. Cauley JA, Lui LY, Ensrud KE, et al. Bone mineral density and the risk of incident non-spinal fractures in black and white women. JAMA, 293:2102-2112, 2005.

17. Cryer B, Bauer DC. Oral bisphosphonates and upper gastrointestinal tract problems: What is the evidence? Mayo Clinic proceedings, 77:1031-1043, 2002.

18. Ensrud KE, Barrett-Connor EL, Schwartz A, et al. Randomized trial of alendronate continuation versus discontinuation in women with low BMD: results from the Fracture Intervention Trial long-term extension. J Bone Miner Res, 19:1259-1269, 2004.

19. Black DM, Bauer DC, Schwartz AV, Cummings SR, Rosen CL. Continuing bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: For whom and how long? NEJM, 366(22)2051-53, 2012.

Online Resources

National Osteoporosis Foundation:

FRAX calculator:

University of Michigan Health System (UMHS) Clinical Care Guidelines:

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