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Biofeedback can significantly reduce tension and migraine headaches without side effects. Most commonly, temperature biofeedback of the fingertips is employed (thermal biofeedback). The combination of thermal biofeedback and relaxation training has been shown to help headache symptoms significantly. Other forms of biofeedback include heart rate variability and neurofeedback, which involve employing relaxation and breathing techniques to change physiologic patterns in heart rate variability and brain activity. Studies have shown that biofeedback is comparable to preventive pharmacotherapy. The main downside is the training required: usually 10-15 hours with a therapist.

Medications that modify vascular reactions (e.g., beta blockers, triptans) may inhibit the benefit of biofeedback. Biofeedback is indicated for patients intolerant to medications, those oriented toward self-efficacy in pain management, in pregnancy, and especially suited for those willing to practice the techniques regularly (Rakel).

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